Budding Love

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Chapter Seven

Ricky's Point Of View

I smiled into her hair, she was just so adorable when she blushed. I heard Chris growl and looked up to see his eyes locked with mine, and him slowly shaking his head. Emily stirred against me.

"What's wrong Ricky?" she asked.

"Nothing," I replied, "just having a mind conversation with your brother"
With that she looked between the two of us. Anyone could tell what he was communicating to me in his head: 'do not even fucking think about dating my sister'.

Unfortunately for me, I wasn't only thinking about it, I had already started to plan in my mind how this would go.

I got up and walked towards the bunk area. While hopping into my bunk I was thinking about Emily and bumped my head "fucking shit" I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey" a voice said behind me, I jumped.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelled and whipped around, to see Emily standing behind me.

"Sorry Ricky" she said, "I was just wondering if you were okay, when you left you look a little upset"

"Ohh," I stuttered out, "yeah I'm fine, just tired"

"So am I" she started, biting her lip, "but, I don't have a bunk"

I smiled, she was just so precious.

"You can come sleep with me if you want, we have a big day tomorrow"

"Great!" she exclaimed, hopping in to my bunk. I hopped in next to hear and gently wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer. I saw her smile and that was the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

When I woke up Emily was still asleep in my arms. She had shifted in her sleep, and her head and hand were now resting on my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes,It's the first time I've seen her eyes look happy since I met her. She smiled and yawned but didn't get up. Instead she snuggled herself closer to me and I laughed.

"Come in Em, you have school. We have to get up"

She frowned. I know she probably didn't want to go to school but I didn't think Chris would let her miss. I dragged her out of bed and put her bag and a towel into the bathroom then placed her on the floor and shut the door, a few seconds later I heard the 'click' of the lock and the shower turn on.

I then walked out to the front of the bus to find the boys looking at me with looks that said "I'm sorry", and then Chris giving me the death glare.

"What Chris?"

"No, do not what Chris me. You slept with my sister."

"Exactly, slept being the important word in that statement, she didn't have a bunk so I offered mine. All we did was sleep."

He seemed to want to say more but then Emily came out in a towel, and nothing else. I could help but stare at her, she was so beautiful. She smiled at all the boys and then grabbed Naked juice out of the mini fridge. She leaned on the counter casually,

"Why are you in a towel?" Chris asked her obviously annoyed.

"Cause I don't have any clothes, you only brought me one outfit" she stated indifferently.Chris sighed and went to the drivers seat.

The drive back to Emily's house was silent. I would look up at her every so often and sometimes catch her looking at me too. We arrived at her house too soon and Chris walks out to get Emily some clothes.

When he came back Emily went into the bathroom to finish getting ready and we started driving to the school.

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