Its My Job

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Chapter Six

Emily's Point Of View

"Chris, it's not your fault" I started once the boys left, "neither of us knew he would start doing this, I didn't even want to believe it the first time he hit me."

"But," Chris countered, "If I hadn't had left, he wouldn't have started hitting you"

I pondered that for a moment. But quickly shook my head and looked at him.

"We don't know that, he could have ended up beating both of us then," I had chosen my words carefully, "and besides your music is important to you and others, you had to go"

"I could have brought you with me, I didn't have to leave you alone" Chris said, his head in his hands.

"You didn't know I would be alone, I didn't even know I would be alone. And no you couldn't have brought me with you. What you did was fine, this isn't your fault, it's fathers."

He pauses, thinking this over. I could tell he still wanted to blame himself, but he have up, knowing I wouldn't let him think that.

"I'm not letting you stay with him, you are going to live with me" he said, determination in his eyes.

"Really?" I asked, the hope obvious in my voice.

"Yeah little sis, it's my job to protect you, and that's what I'm going to do"

I leaped into his arms and we gave each other a big hug. I couldn't believe it. I was being taken away to start a new life with my brother as his band.

Me and Chris were just finishing our hug when Ricky and the boys walked in cautiously. Chris looked up and gave them the okay to come in and they rocketed in and all collapsed on a couch, Ricky came to sit right next to me, and casually slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Ricky" Chris said.

"Yeah?" Ricky answered.

"Why is your arm around my sister?"

The boys erupted in "oooos" and I blushed.

"It's comfortable, and she isn't asking me to move" Ricky replied. If it was possible my cheeks got redder and I hid my face in Ricky's chest, and felt it shake from his laughter. Then I felt his face in my hair and him kissing the top of my head.

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