Concert II

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Chapter Fourteen

Emily's Point Of View

I watched Ricky walk out on stage and couldn't help but smile. That was my wonderful boyfriend. After a while Delana got bored, this wasn't really her type of music, so Delana and I played a game of hide and seek. But I made sure to keep an eye on Ricky the whole time.

When their set was over I was still hiding so Delana told Ricky he had to find me. He searched behind speakers in cupboards until I came out and jumped on his back.

He screamed so loud that everyone backstage turned to look at us. I started to laugh and then blush so I his my face in the crook of his neck, until he pulled me off his back. Me and him then walked hand in hand to where the rest of the band was waiting for us.

"Think you could handle being alone for a little longer sis?" Chris asked me, ruffling my hair, "we have a signing to do"

I nodded and gave Chris a quick hug and Ricky a quick kiss before heading to go find Delana.

When I found her she was talking, more like flirting, with one of the roadies. I rolled my eyes and turned around to see a t-shirt that said "Some People Are Gay. Get Over It." I laughed so hard knowing it was Zach.

"Hiya Zachikins" I said and reached up to give him a hug.

"Hi Em, you sound happier" he responded and returned the hug.

"Yeah, Ricky really helped" I said and smiled to my self.

"Aww you two are so cute!!" He yelled and started jumping up and down.

"You are so gay" I groaned and gave him a playful shove.

He just wrapped his arm around me and took me over to where Delana was now standing alone putting the roadies number in her phone.

I don't know how long we stood there but soon we were being told we had to leave so I grabbed my coat and went outside. I saw a huge line at the back entrance and knew that meant the boys would be a while so I suggested we go to a little diner that was down the street.

We got seated and placed our orders then just sat there not really knowing what to talk about. That was until Hailey walked in with her group of bimbos.

I didn't look at them as they passed but they knew it was me. How do I know they knew it was me? Because one of the bimbos took her hand and knocked over my iced tea into my lap and walked away with a "whoops".

I got up and excused myself to the bathroom to go clean up and Delana offered to go with me but I told her I would be okay, and went by myself.

I walked in and grabbed some paper towels, getting ready to dry myself off. That's when Hailey walked in.

"I heard about that stunt you pulled with my boyfriend bitch" she yelled at me.

I whipped my head around confused, "what the hell are you talking about"

She didn't even answered, she just slapped me, hard.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and looked at her.

"You tried to seduce my boyfriend you whore"

I stood there and stared. Is that really what he said happened? I don't know why but I just got so angry at her and everything she's done. Then I slapped her.

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