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Chapter Seventeen

Emily's Point Of View

Since today was Saturday I didn't have to get up early so me and Ricky went back to sleep. A little later though I felt something cold splash in my face and sat up, hitting my head on the top of the bunk.

"Ow" I managed to say.

I looked over to see Chris standing outside the bunk an empty cup in his hand and a smirk on his face.

"well Goodmorning love birds" he said, still smirking.

"you have mood swings" mumbles Ricky rolling out of the bed. "One second you hate that we are together and the next you are calling us lovebirds"

Chris shrugged his shoulders, "I might as well get used to it" then he turned on his heels and walked away.

I got out of the bunk and went into the small kitchen there were bags on the floor. I opened one out of curiosity and saw my black strapless bra on top.

"Er" I said my cheeks getting red, "what is this?"

"Oh" Chris said, "I went back to the house and grabbed all your clothes"

I mumbled something about how I could have done it and he just laughed. Probably more at my extremely red cheeks then my words. I picked up my bags and threw them in the back with the other boys stuff, not before grabbing an outfit though so I could go take a shower.

When I got out Ricky was up and in the kitchen looking for something to eat.

"Absutley nothing" he said. "Wanna go out?" He asked me.

"Sure" I replied and grabbed my purse.

The boys decided they were going to come too, even though they weren't technically invited and we all ended up at the diner from last night.

I was stuffing down my chocolate chip pancakes while Ricky attacked what seemed like one hundred peices of bacon. He looked up at me and smiled but he had bacon showing so I burst out laughing, spitting orange juice out in the process, attractive right?

Ricky started laughing at me and put his arm around me.

"You are too cute" and then he pecked my cheek. I blushed from the small kiss looked down only to get laughter as a response from the guys.

"Ew get a room" a girls voice said. I looked up and saw Hailey standing over our table. "So I heard you are leaving with these boys" I nodded. Not sure where this was going.

"Well, I hope you aren't leaving to soon, I mean you wouldn't want to miss finals this week, would you?"

Shit I forgot about finals. Hailey had already left so I looked up at Chris who had an annoyed look on his face.

"I guess I should have remembered those" he said. "We could postpone the tour for-"

"No" I cut him off. "You can't postpone the fans would die. I'll be fine here, I'll live with Zach or Delana and then come to you after finals are done" I said with determination.

"No" Ricky and Chris said at the same time.

Ricky spoke again first, "I'm not leaving you alone"

"I won't be alone I'll have Zach and Delana and Cortney" I said using a duh tone.

"They didn't do a good job protecting you before" Chris mumbled.

"But I'm different now" I countered, "I slapped that bitch remeber? And I can do it again"

"What about Joe?" Ricky asked.

"I'll carry a tazor or something, I don't want you guys to postpone."

Chris and Ricky looked at each other for a long time.

"Fine," Ricky finally said. "But you have to call me every day so I know you are safe"

"Okay" I said with a smile.

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