My weakness; part 1

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I do speak up when it comes to someone being mean but it usually happens between equals. I can't read social cues of humans real well, so that's why I don't say anything when a parent or pet parent is yelling at their child or pet because it might be disciplined. I follow my instincts or that gut feeling most of the time and that sometimes gets me in trouble. So one time I listen to my head and I got in trouble again. I found out that I have to listen to my instincts and head in order to make a good choice.

When it comes to animals, I can read them clearly. I can tell when someone yells at a animal, the animal is a little hurt because their only trying to speak to the owner or said person. I try to voice my opinions about animals and how they feel, but I usually whisper the comment because it's usually about their behavior and animals don't always obey their behavioral instincts. I have an example of animals being the same species but are different of their behavior and personally; my cats are total opposites besides being separate genders. Here are the differences between Princess and Abby.

Full name: "Princess" Annalise (never could decide a middle name) and my last name

(We call her Princess for short)

My cat, Princess is usually quiet and has a temper. Princess also is stubborn and doesn't like anyone on her territory. She stare down dogs, people, and other cats. She's picky about what food she eats and only plays with sting. She doesn't like being pick up more then once a day. And when you even touch her tail, she lashes out at your hand and gives you the death stare. When she greets me when I get home she is usually at the door when I get home or I hear a jump then paws running down the stairs and she meow. She even does the guilt trip if I leave the house and don't come home at a certain time she'll ignore for about several hours and only go to my mom. She'll only sleep on beds, anything soft.

Full name: Albert McVey, my last name

(Abby for short, family name)

My cat, Abby is talkative, loves to play (attacks anything that moves) gets into attack-play mode where he attacks me) and will eat anything but likes it when it's fresh. He likes can food and meows even if it not his food that i'm opening. He will meow if I don't get up at 7 a.m or earlier. He loves being held, but I only hold him 4 times a day because it can be dangerous if a animal is handle to much (mostly prey animals though). He knows some tricks; sit (he sits for his treats) and others but their little hard to explain so I will show you (mostly just tap my hand and get a treat). If you touch his tail, he'll just slowly turn around and head butt your hand. He follows me around (not all the time), meows if your in the kitchen, gets into your way then plop on the floor roll on his back and look cute. He can't have outdoor time like Princess because where she would never go any farther than the garbage can, he would bolt as soon as he it out the door. I try to train him on the harness because I feel guilty that he can't have outdoor time. When I get home, he demands to sit on my lap and I have to force him to get off when I have to get up. He'll also climb my legs to get my attention as soon as I get home. I usually talk to my mom and that's when does this. He'll only sleep on hard stuff like floors, books, desks, ect. He greets me by demanding to go my lap, meow and rubbing my legs.

Full name: Albert McVey, my last name

(Abby for short, family name)

My cat, Abby is talkative, loves to play (attacks anything that moves) gets into attack-play mode where he attacks me) and will eat anything but likes it when it's fresh. He likes can food and meows even if it not his food that i'm opening. He will meow if I don't get up at 7 a.m or earlier. He loves being held, but I only hold him 4 times a day because it can be dangerous if a animal is handle to much (mostly prey animals though). He knows some tricks; sit (he sits for his treats) and others but their little hard to explain so I will show you (mostly just tap my hand and get a treat). If you touch his tail, he'll just slowly turn around and head butt your hand. He follows me around (not all the time), meows if your in the kitchen, gets into your way then plop on the floor roll on his back and look cute. He can't have outdoor time like Princess because where she would never go any farther than the garbage can, he would bolt as soon as he it out the door. I try to train him on the harness because I feel guilty that he can't have outdoor time. When I get home, he demands to sit on my lap and I have to force him to get off when I have to get up. He'll also climb my legs to get my attention as soon as I get home. I usually talk to my mom and that's when does this. He'll only sleep on hard stuff like floors, books, desks, ect. He greets me by demanding to go my lap, meow and rubbing my legs.

The only they have in common is laying on your stuff when your doing work.

Now back to what I was saying

I try my best to voice my opinions and let people know what I think. I do this with my equals and every time no matter my tone of voice or rewording what I say, I always get shot down. They say, "who cares!" "No one ask you" "Go away!" "Shut up" or a meanier comment. So they have taught me that not everyone is going to care or not going to like you when you say something about an animal behavior. They have dismiss my claims all the time and when a book, teacher or another prove that I was correct, they claim they knew along. Other people taught me, like my friends that my might care for the information but they'll at least listen and tell me in a kinder way that they don't care for this fun fact.

I took a leap a couple of days ago. My neighbors dog is always out all the time (besides at night), hardly any food or water, no shelter from the rain or heat besides a roof (not a big roof) and is starving for attention. This was happening for about a month now and it's only about a week since they decided to put food and water outside, you can tell she is slightly thinning by her hind legs and now I can see her rib cage. I called the APL this sunday because they left her out on the hottest day and she was trying to get underneath the house to escape the heat. That's when I snap and knock on the door to tell the parents to let her inside before her dies from heat stock. Only the kids answer. I knew from experience that I should not tell the kids and ask to see the parents. They say the parents weren't home at the moment. The same day, when I came back from a meeting, I gave the dog some water. The water bowl was dirty, filled with grass. I dump it and fill it up with water from my water bottle. The kids open the door and said thank you. I look at the dog and then the kids and then the dog again. I realize I had to at least tell the kids the something. I told them this. "You may not know this, but she can die from this heat." I did it in a soft tune and walk away. They took her in but she was warying of going inside. It was like she thought it was strange for a person to let her in during the day. I also noticed she only greets me and a couple of other neighbors. She never greets the kids or parents that owns her.

Something must be wrong if your own pet doesn't greet you. My mom claims my cat, Abby, hates her, but I disagree with her. Abby still greets my mom when she comes home from work. He plops on the floor, roll on his back and look cute. He also meows. Each animal, (even from the same species) has its own unique greeting. Princess was meeting me at the door, Abby's is demanding me to let him on my lap. Trust me, he's not asking politely to go my lap, he orders me to with one big MEOW! Which means "Mommy! Let me sit on your lap and pet me! NOW!"

I know people won't always agree but I reach out to APL because I knew Darling (that's not the dog's name, I don't know her name actually, so I call Darling) was hurting. She jumps on my legs because she wants to be petted, loves and know that someone cares for her. Darling is a sweet dog and the owners don't care. The problems started as soon as one of the boys told me that the dog bites. She is just a puppy, about 3 to 4 months of age. Of course she's going to nip and bite. She nip me once but never bite me.

This is my one of many weakness and one of the most thing I need to work on. I keep telling myself that you can't yell at the owner it could be disciplined. I bite my tongue when someone yells at a dog to be quiet (well they say SHUT UP). I keep telling myself that I can't intervene less he or she is beating the animal but like the saying goes, "You don't know what happen behind closed doors." I tell myself that I will protect animals and treat them as my brothers and sisters (another way to put it is equals), but I knew if I did not help Darling then I could really say that anymore, can I? So I called the APL and explain that I was a conerside neighbor and I want to help her.

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