Breakdown of Autistics signs and my thoughts

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Temple Grandin has autism, and has a book, "Animals in Translation" and "Thinking in pictures" I highly recommend those two books.


Author note: I didn't babble

* Not wanting to be hug (This is very common) 

Authors note: I asked my mom if I ever push her away from her giving me a hug and she said yes.

* Obsessive interests

Author note: Mine is animals.

*Strange behavior such as spinning, flapping and/or rocking

Author Note: I loved to spin and I rock back and forth when I am nervous or upset

*Intense and strange reactions to smells, tastes, sounds, lights, color, and/or textures. (These are very common and coming from Temple Grandin, some Autistics have an unusually strong sense of one of these examples or all)

Author note: I have a fairly good sense of smell (not as well as a dog but slightly better than a typical person).

* Doesn't like any minor changes in surroundings or routines

Author note: My mom used to have the school to call her if I had a sub because I would freak even if the regular teacher wasn't there.

* Avoids eye contact

Author Note: For some reason, I never have that problem and I wanted to have that eye contact. But sometimes if I feel uncomfortable with someone or just walking I do try to avoid eye contact. (I have a theory about the no eye contact and that is in the animal kingdom having eye contact with your species is considered a challenge)

*Prefer to be alone

Author note: I  like being alone, but sometimes I want someone in the room with me. 

*Struggles with understanding other people's feelings and social cues

Author Note: I have the social cues problem and I think studying certain animal behavior helps me fill in those gaps. (Grandin states in her book, that autistics will play the part of being social, but the person still prefers to be alone)

This is me because when I am in the band, track or school or any social interaction, I try to play the part of being social, but inside I feel jumpy, awkward and feels I say everything wrong.

*Remains non-talkative and/or has language development delayed.

Author note: I have the opposite problem, but I think since I am always nervous that's why I can't control my speed when talking (fast talker)

*Repeating phrases or words over and over again

Author note: I do this a lot. Some people don't reply to the first "how are you" so I keep repeating it till they finally answer. Temple Grandin believes sometimes the person just like how the phrase rolls off the tongue or sounds. 

*Being nervous all the time.

Author note: I am jumpy, always moving, I keep feeling that I have to move or I will die. 

*Thinking in pictures

Author note; I think in pictures and animals do to because the detail is important to us. Our brain well mostly the frontal lobe is smaller and that's why people think autistics act and think like an animal or sometimes a computer type brain where logic rules and emotions don't.

My emotions and common sense both come together and sometimes I used more emotions for decisions and other times I used logic and instinct base decisions

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