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Hi everyone, I just read something and I am begining to think not everyone truly understands to be autistic. Everyone is different and autistics are the same way.

For one thing almost (I think all but who knows) that autistics think in pictures and pay attention to detail.

Me: I am this way but sometimes I can't see the small details that other autistics should be able to see. Some "normal" people see a small detail before I can.


Some autistics have a keen sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste or touch.

Me: Smell; I have a keen sense of smell but most of the time my nose is running (like when you sick), stuff or normal. 

Touch; I can handle touch but sometimes if I am not expecting that someones going to hug me or tap me on the shoulder, I freeze and go into shock for about 5-10 seconds. Hardly anyone can tell when I do that because sometimes I don't people mind the hugging or touching and other times I freaked out inside. I never yelled at the person or pull away because I know some people see that as rude. I don't mind when I am in a close tight, uncomfortable place, like a cramped closet, but if people are touching me (because there nowhere else to go) and I am trap and cramped. I freaked out inside and wiggle some or ask the person to not be so close.

Sight; I wear glasses, I'm nearsighted. I can't see far away. I do react to some sight because when something moves, I quickly find the shadow and follow it with my gaze. (I don't do this while driving but I do this while walking). I can't help it and when sometimes when I forget to stop walking, I fall or trip.

Hearing; I am sensitive to noise. I can't do homework with uncalled noise. For the longest time, during a test, I had to be in a separate room. My eardrum doesn't vibrate at all meaning it doesn't move but I can still hear. This makes people angry because if I never heard a certain word before or a word that sounds like another, I asked for them to repeat several times. My mom says I pick up words along the way and that's why I can pick of certain vibration and not others. I also hear better behind me and move my ear to where the sound comes from.

Taste; I am not that sensitive with this than the others but when a person makes me try something new, I have to sniff it first. Don't know why but I do. It's like I have to see if it's poisonous or something. 

Another thing about autism is that people always think we're picky and we are but we will try new things. 

For the first 15 years of my life, it took me forever to try something new expressly if the smell wasn't too pleasant. Now when I turned 16, I wanted to try new things, like fish. I wanted to try not to be too picky and I found some of the new foods that I like. The first new food I tried was chicken and dumplings.

I know not every autistic is this way but you can't say every autistic is the same case because you can't say that for every disease, animal, or religion.

Thinking that we can't feel,

I know sometimes we seem to push the world away or angry or sad or happy all the time but we feel different emotions too. For one thing to get out of the way is autistics can handle simple emotions better like, sad, angry, joy. Trust me, I am autistic and I am the same way but however, not everyone could be like this. I can't handle complex emotions well. I do have a boyfriend but sometimes the emotions get the better of me and I freak because I don't what or how to feel. Complex emotions are scary to me. I don't feel jealousy too much, but when I do I say "Yay, I don't understand why they can have a new (add an example here) but there are some things I have that they don't." Another complex emotion I tried but failed a lot of love. Not family love but liking someone. I feel nervous and try to show that I am not. When flirting I am a little competitive not girly.

Some can't speak

I have the opposite problem. I can't stop speaking. When I am nervous I continue to speak and you can tell how nervous I am by the speed. When I speak fast, I'm nervous. When I eat slow, I am nervous. When there is no one talking, I say a complaint a person (even if I don't mean it), I AM NERVOUS. Some may not speak because they're nervous.

Being Nervous all the time

Yes, I mention this in the last paragraph but stay with me on this. A lot of the time an autistic could behave like a wild animal. We're nervous, we feel something going to happen and are body try it's best to calm us down. I feel nervous all the time. I am always at alert even if I don't pay attention to whats going around me. I am at the ready if I need to bolt or fight. I can't help it.

Freaking out 

Most Autistics like a set schedule and get mad if something goes wrong. My school had to call my mom and tell them if they are going to be a sub because I would freak if not told beforehand. Someone had to help prepare me for the situation. Not every Autistic has to be this way though. Maybe there is a case where an autistic is different. I just know for a fact most autistics are different.

Breaking the borders

What I mean by this because I do this every day. I have to fight myself to talk to a person, expressly a new person or you know my boyfriend. Sometimes I failed and waved. People don't understand that we autistics have to fight to keep are graded up at school, speak, socialize, read, pet an animal, do something new. There are hundreds of different things that we face every day. Some days we conquer and some we failed.

Social Cues

Most autistics can't read social cues, I know I can't. The only cues I can read is if a person is sad, mad, happy (if they are crying and happy, I can't tell) or sometimes annoyed. I can read animals though. I always say sorry, if I say something that might make people upset. I say "I am sorry, please don't be mad, I didn't mean to be rude." It's always that train. 

I do have a theory on this. If you can't read social cues but you can pick up on animals social cues. I tried animals since the 8th grade and I have more and understand more animals social cues then people. I can watch animals and know what they're saying. Before you asked I can't translate every little thing they say because I don't know. However, I can tell their emotions, looking for something or I try to understand what they could be saying.

Everyone is different and an autistic person who doesn't understand humans or animals, maybe they can understand planets or computers. I don't know if other autistics does this but if you do give me your opinion. I'll love to hear what you have to say.

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