Signs of Autism

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Warning: Autism has a wide range of signs and you don't need to have all of them on the list to be autistic. Trust me, I only follow under half of the list and this is can be different depending on gender. 


Possible signs of autism in babies and toddlers:

By 6 months: no social smiles or other warm, joyful expressions directed at people, limited or no eye contact

By 9 months: no sharing of vocal sounds, smiles or other nonverbal communication

By 12 months: no babbling, no use of gestures to communicate (e.g. pointing, reaching, waving etc.), no response to name when called

By 16 months: no words

By 24 months: no meaningful, two-word phrases, and Any loss of any previously acquired speech, babbling or social skills.

Possible signs of autism at any age: 

1) Avoids eye contact and prefers to be alone. 

2) Struggles with understanding other people's feelings. 

3) Remains nonverbal or has delayed language development. 

4) Repeats words or phrases over and over (echolalia).

5) Gets upset by minor changes in routine or surroundings.

 6) Has highly restricted interestsPerforms repetitive behaviors such as flapping, rocking or spinning. 

7) Has unusual and often intense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures, lights and/or colors.

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