My theories on Autism

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Everyone is different and an autistic person who doesn't understand humans or animals, maybe they can understand planets or computers. I don't know if other autistics does this but if you do give me your opinion. I'll love to hear what you have to say.

My autism allows me to see, feel and think what an animal thinks. I know how my cat, Abby (short for Albert) feels and think because of two reasons; One is that I studied cats ever since I was a little and Two, my brain functions differently it allows me to feel and think like an animal because that is how my brain is. I am one with nature and I don't mean I can communicate to tell, I am not in control of it but nature calms me.

I feel strong with animals and most of nature in general. It calms me down and I feel it makes me whole. I wanted to say sorry about saying you can kind of like placing your mind into something or another living creature for a better understanding but I dot think that you can begin one with your passion. I love animals, I studied them, their behaviors and talents. So maybe its not that but how our brain is made. An disability can be one of the greatest gift (I know some are more painful and it's effect your health, so please I am not trying to be rude). Your gift, your disability or whatever you called it may be the key of why we feel a strong connection.

For example, I think, I think  I can sense .... feel the energy around me. I mean by energy is.... well you know sometimes you feel a vibrant from someone,  well it's like that. Energy bounces off every creature and their is proof to this because this is kind of coming from another theory about if your calm an animal will be as well. I like making people feel because I feel their happiness bouncing, reflecting back to me. You know how a smile can be like a plague or spread like wild fire. A good deed, act will or at least should make that person feel happy and the emotion goes back to you. It's like light. Shining a light to a mirror is like you smiling and it makes another person smile. This in turn, makes the light reflect (or the smile) will go back to you and make you even happier.

I come up with an new theory. That most (maybe all) autistics or other disabilities don't have this blockage in the brain. What I mean by "blockage" is...... You know how dogs are immature wolves, well think of this way. What if human have domesticated themselves along with domesticating animals. And well building houses, roads, event jobs, and etc.. We sort of domesticated ourselves. So what I am thinking maybe, just maybe that Autistics and other disabilities  have this blockage to make us "domesticate" vanished or turn off somehow. Maybe that's why most (or all) Autistics feel this strong connection to whatever there passion is and we feel at one with something.

Everyone is different and it takes an open mind to understand autism and other disability. The only people who believe in me had an open mind. They tried to understand me not my disability. A disability doesn't define you, it makes you who you are because you define it. If you have a disability and your reading this take note. Try to break the unbreakable, prove to the world that you are awesome because if they can't see you for you then it's their lost, not yours.

*I do have something to say about this.

They say autistics will never be able to understand social cues but I think that is false because I try to create a path way. I wasn't born with that filter, you know the one that helps you to think before you speak. Well the funny thing is, if you tell your brain to help you learn, it will happen. I believe there is a god, so I ask him to help me, my brain to made a filter. And my brain is doing just that. We can break every boarder that any person place on it.

To add onto this, I read Temple Grandin's book,  "Animal in Translation." She said animal don't sterotypye that's why trainers always tell the owners of dogs to introduce not only the family's toddler but all toddlers because the family's toddler may be treated like a pack mate but an unknown might be treated as a toy. So what I am saying that autistic can sterotypye and at the same time they don't sterotypye. I can't read social cues well and often I need someone by me, like a family member or a friend to help translate what the person is trying to say.

I can kind of read my mom's social cues but I still have to ask on certain ones like is she silently angry, glum or bordem because to me they are oddly to similar for me to spread apart. But when my mom is driving, I can tell when she's thirsty. So maybe just maybe, autistic can read social cues but only to certain individuals and only certain cues, like I can tell between happy and openly mad but slight frustration, glum or bordem, I can't tell apart. So I always I feel that I have to ask if someone is a certain emotion that I can't read.

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