What did I learn

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Just by studying animals, I learned a lot, like how animals are intelligent, they're strong, powerful and think very similar to the way I do. Happy Trails to understand first hand that animals are very forgiving. Like people, we all have a story to tell and most of the animals at Happy Trails have a sad story because to me it's mind-boggling to think a person is willing to abuse a beautiful creature, yet those animals hold no grudges to the workers and volunteer. I believe that the animals there, know they're safe and no one will harm them again. They won't let one bad seed to ruin their viewpoint of the human race.

Just like a parent, an owner can tell when an animal is happy or not and all the animals at Happy Trails are as happy as they can be. There taken care of, they get petted and talk to by the workers and volunteers. Happy Trails have to have the most spoiled barn cats ever, the cats are name Miles and Lola. The reason why I like Happy Trails is that they save barn animals and I think we have too many places that take in cats and dogs. We should have more places like Happy Trails that take in animals who have more of a challenge being rehomed.

I learned a lot about animals and going to Happy Trails, help me to grow and they helped me to see what my true dream could be. I want to make a safe haven for the wild animals and I want to be to send them back to the wild. A lot of people have told me that animals are stupid and I can't believe it because go to Happy Trails. Just by looking it the eyes of an animal, you can (with an open mind) the true intelligence. There is this one horse, a dark brown gelding named Dakota. Dakota is blind and no one is willing to adopt him because of that. A lot of the workers there will probably say that they will adopt him if they could like I would. He can run and play horse type of games, like chase, but he doesn't allow him not being able to see stop him. Some people should go and see Dakota for what he is not what he doesn't have. Dakota is a superstar and just like him, I won't allow my disability to hold me back.

Both animals and autism are closely linked because autistic people can't rely on their frontal lobe, we have to rely on more of our animal part of the brain. I know you're wondering why I am talking about autism when my project is about having an animal career. Animals don't rely on their frontal lobes like autistic kids. I will continue on going to Happy Trails, so I can learn more about animals and the people, like me, who loves them. I want to challenge you. Go to Happy Trails and ask Fred if you can see Dakota. If you can tell me one flaw that he has that is not his lack of eyesight, I will take back my word about an animal or person is more than their disability. And if you find a flaw, look into a mirror and try to find your flaws because of no ones flawless. Try to have an open mind when it comes to both people and animals because without animals and autism I wouldn't have chosen this career.

My question has been answered, "How can zoology improve me?" and "How can I improve it?" is Zoology can improve by learning about and from animals and I can improve Zoology by giving my autistic insight of how animals see the world. For I can not ever stop learning because I keep learning new things from animals, autism and myself.

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