Bucket list part 3

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20.) Studied the Tiger in the wild

Tigers is one of my favorite animals and it's has been my favorite since the 3rd grade. I had added three more to my favorite group but the tiger is still the first top of my list. The tiger is the first animal I studied and the first page of my journal. I gave my cat Princess, the nickname of tiger or huntress. Abby's is hunter or lion. I just love hunters (animal hunters) and in my belief, the tiger is the best huntress (or hunter) on the planet. I know in the water, the orca is the best hunter. In my collectibles, I have 5 tigers and one of them I made a queen. I used to play with my collectibles and (similar to the Lion King) the queen was the tiger, her name is Rosy (Roseis in Latin). She has 13 heirs and only 4 of them are tigers. I would love to see a tiger in a wild. I can see it now. A dark orange tiger with black stripes and deep yellow/orange eyes. The tiger would be female and she has 3 cubs. It would be funny if that came true. Tigers are in the embodiment of power and grace. Even big cats have grace like their smaller cousins. I mean tigers are amazing, they can swim, sometimes too big to climb trees and just lovely creatures. To make the chase easier, the tiger has been seen chasing prey into the water to make the final blow to the neck. Jaguars do this too. Heres a trip if being chased by a tiger or jaguar, don't go into the water. I want to accomplish this goal because it always been a dream of mine to see one. I want to prove to the world that they excellent predators and caring mothers.

21.) Draw animals

I always like to draw animals, but I am never selfish with my work and don't work on it. My drawings are not too bad to say the less. I am not patient and I don't take time when drawing but when watching Big Cat Diary. One of the stars says the best way to know which cat is which is to draw them. He is excellent at drawing. I use my collectibles and books as models. I am getting better but there's still much more improvement. I don't have a huge desired to draw compared to my desire to study animals. I do love drawing landscapes. One time I even made a forest, waterfall, and meadow. When drawing I always do the muzzle and ears first because I find it the easiest. Once I got the nose and ears, the rest of the body follows. I called the picture view of views. I guess to improve my drawing skills, I have to keep doing it. I will achieve this goal by practicing and trying to be more patient.

22.) Study the African Wild Dog

This is my favorite canine because their powerfull and have a beautiful simi-spotted coat. Their ears are huge and legs are slender. I would love to study this beautiful creature in the wild. Wild dogs have a tight bond and like the wolves, only the alpha's mate. Their enemy is the lion and man. Like their cousins, the gray and red wolf, the African wild dog is endangered. Many animals are and I like to study endangered animals, expressly predators. Animals everywhere are getting killed because their coats are fine or their teeth are rare. Why do people see money, while I see life? I don't understand it! Animals are living and breathing creatures. African wild dogs are amazing creatures to watch. Their caring, protected mothers, dangerous and powerful. I will achieve this goal by either going on my own on a trip or get to study them in my field. I want to get close (not too close where the animal is uncomfortable) to them. 

23.) Meet more people with autism

I always feel alone because I hardly know anyone with autism. I like to question, how they think or what their favorite interests are. I just want to learn more and discover more about the world. I also want to find out if other autistics have a close bond with animals because I know what works for one autistic will scare or not work with another. People like different stuff. I want to find more about autism and how it affects them. I know that I see as a gift, but do they do too. I know research was done and everyone that has autism was offended when people asked them about being cured. I know I don't like it. People always see disabilities as a disease that needs to be cured but they never think that a disability can bring ideas that no one ever dared of thinking. Sometimes I tell people, that the world is graying and it is. The world is graying because more land is used for buildings, towers, and cities and so the world is graying, it's less green. I hope you see that point. I can tell when the leaves of the tree are about to grow. The tree has an orange, yellowish-green, green, violet, red-violet and pink hue to them. The color of the hue depends on the tree leaves. I want to achieve this goal because I want to grow, I want to learn. I am like a tree in a way. I want to keep growing and I want to keep learning. 

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