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**** Three men bound Sasin's wrists and soon had him hanging from the wall next to Rayne.

Hagatha smiled as she slowly walked up to him. "Well, well, well. The famous Reaper himself. I've wanted to make your acquaintance for a few years now, but sadly you retired before I could. What brings you back the the Underworld Agency of STRIKE?"

Sasin looked down at her. She was a good foot and a half shorter than his six foot three inches. So looking disdainfully down wasn't difficult.

Hagatha ignored him and ran her hands down his torso. Slipping them under his tight fitting black t-shirt and smiled.

"Oh, wow. Nothing but muscle, you must work out daily." She looked up at him, "Aren't you yummy." Her eyes moved to his shoulder. "That must really hurt, yet you haven't made a sound."

She ground a finger into the wound. She frowned when the only reaction she got, was the tightening of his jaw, and Rayne's whimper.

"The stories I've heard are true then." She said. "I wander how good you are in other aspects of life." The meaning behind those words were very clear from the way she studied him.

Sasin suddenly had an understanding of how a stud felt each year, and the feeling was very unwelcome.

Having hand enough he lunged against his bindings, "You haven't seen the half of what I can do!"

Hagatha grinned and pulled a long, sharp knife from her boot. "Oh, sweetheart. I know. That's why we're going to have so much fun finding out what your trigger is."

She placed the tip of the knife to Rayne's throat, a sick gleam in her green eyes.


Yeou knelt in the hall watching and trying to think of a plan, when Brett and the others appeared. Yeou shook his head when Brett stiffened at the scene.

"He knows what he's doing." Yeou said. "Let him work, the best thing we can do is wait for his signal."

Brett's jaw clinched. His daughters were in there, within his grasp yet there was nothing he could do but wait. How he hated that, hated feeling helpless.


"Leave my sister alone!" Becca yelled as she kick the air and tried to get free.

"Oh for the love of..." Hagatha threw her hands in the air, "Someone shut that little bitch up!"

Two of the guards ran forward and gagged Becca, and tied her ankles together. The look she gave them could have started a forest fire.

Hagatha smiled, turned back to Rayne, and placed the tip of her dagger to the teacher's throat.

Rayne closed her eyes, and let out a small whimper of terror. The sound was almost inhuman.

Sasin strained against his cuffs, even lunged forward harder then before. The blood that dripped down his wrists proved just how hard he was fighting the restraints.

"Keep your hands off her!" He snarled.

Hagatha grinned and danced over to him. "Oh, I just love this game, don't you? I think men in love are so predictable." She looked at Rayne, "Wouldn't you agree Rayne, dear?"

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