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**** Ash watched as so many kids and teens sobbed with relief. Agents, cops, nurses, paramedics, doctors, and good samaritans moved around them wrapping the rescues in warm blankets, giving them food and water.

He was sickened by the idea that this had only been one branch of the human trafficking ring. Hagatha may have been in charge here, but she wasn't the big fish he'd been after.

As he stood there lost in thought a masked man stepped up by his side. Ash said nothing as the big man shouldered his rifle.

"Should have let me snipe all the bastards."

Ash could hear the rage there, and knew he had to put a stop to this.

"We need the information they have, Eagle. There are more branches out there. More kids to save."

He looked at his teammate, "We have to look at the bigger picture."

The Russian scoffed, "The bigger picture is that men who do this aren't human. They're not even animals."

Ash understood how Eagle felt. The older man's wife and daughter had been taken, sold, raped and tortured to death. After that Eagle had never been the same. If anything he'd left his own humanity behind.

If Yeou hadn't found him and given him a purpose... Ash shook the thought away.

"Eagle, we have to keep going after people like this. Will you keep helping me?"

Eagle looked at him from behind his black ski mask, "I have nothing better to do. Besides, this Eagle will always follow the fox."


Brett stalked right up to Ash, (who was still dressed in his mission gear), as the Agent entered his cabin and almost snarled, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, Operative Yeou!"

Brett stalked right up to Ash, (who was still dressed in his mission gear), as the Agent entered his cabin and almost snarled, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, Operative Yeou!"

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Ash's sigh was more of annoyance than anything else, "If you try I'll defend myself."

Brett was obviously nearing the end of his control, "I have questions and you son, had better be coming up with some answers, and fast."

Ash looked Brett in the eyes. Most men would have found it difficult. Brett was a very big and intimidating man. All the Blanton men were. However, Ash looked him in the eyes easily.

"You know I can't give you Classified information. So don't even ask, because you won't get anything. You also know that if you attack me now, you'll be hindering my investigation, and I will be within the law to arrest you."

Beau who was still leaning against the wall knew he should be just as angry as his brother, but he was enjoying this way to much. For once there was a man that wasn't intimidated by Brett, and easily able to stand his ground. Even push back when the situation called for it.

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