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**** Becca opened her gym bag and removed her towel and water bottle, when the sound of a heavy duffle bag hitting the floor caused her to jump and spin. There, in a sweat soaked sleeveless t-shirt and shorts stood Agent Park.

Rayne watched her sister's reaction from her wheelchair and couldn't help the grin.

'Hmmm....interesting.... Kettle meet pot.' She thought mischievously.

"Hitting the matt?" Ash asked.

"Hitting...hitting...what matt?" Becca answered almost incoherently. Rayne turned her head and covered her mouth to cover the giggle that threatened to slip through. 'If only Becca could see herself, darn it! Why of all days did she forget her phone?'

Ash grinned, winked at Rayne and took a swig of water. "Miss Blanton, it may be fall here, but there are still flies to worry about."

Rayne couldn't take it. She slapped a towel over her face and exploded into a fit of giggles.

Becca shut her eyes tight, shook her head and snapped her mouth shut with a click. After giving her twin a ferocious glare, "S...sorry about that. You just surprised me, that's all". She said airily, flipping her hair back as if he were no consequence.

"We thought the gym was empty in the mornings."

Rayne coughed after gaining control, "What do you mean we?"

Ash shugged, "No worries. I'm here for the same reason. Back home, if I don't hit the gym early, I don't get any time to later."

He sat next to his bag and took another swig of water.

Becca smiled, "Where is home?"

Ash studied her for a moment, "Recently. I have been staying with my sister in South Korea, but for the most part my job keeps me on the move, so I don't really have a home persay," He said making quotation marks in the air. "That kind of life doesn't really allow for a home life. So I guess you could call me a drifter."

Becca sat on the matt and began to stretch, "That sounds kind of lonely. Doesn't your family have a place to call home? A place you grew up in?I know you have a brother, and sister, any more siblings, what about your folks?"

Ash's face went blank. He took one last swig and stood, removing his t-shirt. "Know any martial arts?" It was very clear that, that particular subject was taboo and a change of subject was required.

Becca realized she must have hit a nerve when the warmth left his eyes. She nodded, "Growing up as a member of this family you're taught to defend yourself early. No exceptions. I'm the only one that kept up with it, though."

Ash crossed his strong arms and turned to Rayne, "Not to be rude, but does include you?"

"Oh yes," Rayne smiled, "But after I was diagnosed dad dialed it way back. It put too much stress on my heart. Now I just slowly work with 2 lb barbells every other day and only in 20 minutes intervals."

Becca nodded, "I still hit the matt as often as I can, but sometimes that's no more than once or two a week."


The little girl looked around her, eyes wide in terror. The inside of the truck was dark, and stank of sweat and something more. She covered her head stifled a scream, and the door swung open.

Two men stood there silhouetted by the bright sunlight. The larger of the two entered and began to slowly weave his way through the merchandise. She whimpered when he came to a stop in front of her.

She tried to shrink away when he reached and ran his dirty hand over her long her hair.

"Looks like we have a winner here, Chad."

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