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**** Rayne waited in the old truck for her bodyguard to join her. Brett who was leaning against the door smiled, "You're doing a good thing, honey."

She returned her father's smile, "This was your idea, daddy."

Brett grinned, "You could use a dog. You won't stay with us or your sister, and your brother won't be back from school until next summer. Your mother and I would just feel better knowing you're not alone."

Rayne kissed her dad on the cheek, "I'm not, dad. Taec keeps checking on me. If I need help, all I have to do is yell. Since I'm staying at his place anyway. Besides he put security cameras in every room of his cabin."

Brett's smile faded, "Every room? Wait, since when are you staying with Taec?"

Rayne laughed, "You should see your face. The bathroom and bedroom cameras are infrared. So he can't see anything but my heat signature."

Brett looked relieved at that.

Taec climbed in behind the wheel and looked at Brett. The older man nodded and stepped back. "Look after my girl, Officer Park."

Taec nodded and started the truck. Rayne grinned as the deputy turned the key and they headed for the city.


Taec helped Rayne into her chair and studied the old pound. He hadn't said a word to Rayne, but the silence wasn't an uncomfortable one. He looked down at the tiny woman. She was looking nervously at the dog pound. Taec surprised himself by patting her small shoulder before opening the door.

Rayne felt like flying at his quiet support. She knew it must have been hard for him to reach out to her like that. She braced herself then waited as he reached for the door. The second Taec opened the door the sound and smell were over powering. Rayne winced at the noicein particular. Dogs barking, cats meowing. Her heart ached for all the animals.

A young woman stepped out of the back. A big smile on her face, "Hi. I'm Ricki. How may I help you folks?"

Rayne smiled back, "Hi, I'm Rayne. I'm here to adopt a dog."

Ricki beamed, "Oh, God bless you. There are so many of these fur babies that need good forever homes."

Rayne could tell that Ricki truely carried about the animals she looked after. She grinned, "I need a big dog. One that can be trained to help me out, and be a good guard dog."

Ricki nodded and thought for a moment. Then her eyes lit up with a mischievous gleam. Quietly so as not to be heard by others, she whispered, "I'm not supposed to do this, but there is one dog. She's in the back. She was surrendered by her owner. She's very sweet, and deserves better than death row. They're killin' her just 'cause of her breed."

Rayne was suddenly interested, "Oh? Is she well trained?"

Ricki nodded, "Sure is. She knows all the basic commands, and she was a security dog. Her owner was a guard himself, but when he retired, the jerk brought her here. Broke my heart the way she sat there terrified, with no understanding as to what she had done wrone. Which was nothing at all! I swear, I can't stand people sometimes."

Rayne felt the tears in her eyes, "What's her breed?"

Ricki sighed, "Why don't I show you."

Rayne nodded and followed Ricki into death row.

There laying in the far corner, curled into a ball, was the prettiest blue pit bull Rayne had ever seen.

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