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**** Becca jumped out of her truck and looked at the old apartment complex. "What's Ash doing here?"

Walking inside she called out, "Ash! You here?"

No answer came. After searching the building she called Kyle, "Kyle, the place is empty. He's not here."

"I'm looking at his phone's locator, hon. So either he's there or his phone is. If there's a basement or a roof, check them. I wouldn't be too worried. Agent Park is highly trained. He served a few years in the Army. He can take care of himself."

Becca checked the basement first and found nothing but cobwebs. Frustrated, she headed to the roof. Opening the door, she immediately knew something wasn't right. The railing was smeared with blood.

"Kyle, there's blood. A lot, and it's fresh!" She said panic rising.

Kyle's voice was calm, "Becca, stay where you are. I'm sending a unit and calling the EMTs."

Becca said nothing and slowly walked forward, "Ash, you up here?"


"Becca, I told you to wait and stay where you are." Kyle said gritting his teeth. 'What is it with the women in this family?'


Ignoring her cousin's instructions, Becca followed the blood trail around the corner of the tool shed. Panic filled her at the site of Yeou laying in a pool of his own blood.

"Oh my God!" She ran to him and lifted the man's head into her lap. Not far away lay Yeou's glasses.

"Kyle, I found him! He's hurt, and lost a lot of blood! My God, he's so cold!" Her voice shook. Becca dropped her phone and tried to wake him up. Fearing he would go into shock, she stripped her coat off and layed it over him, tucking it all around the unconscious man.

"Ash, Ash! Can you hear me? It's Becca! You have to wake up! Open your eyes, please!"

Ash said nothing. His breathing was shallow, and his skin cold to the touch.

Grabbing her phone Becca hung up on Kyle and called 911.


At the ER Becca sat next to the bed holding Ash's hand. The staff had worked fast to bring his temp back up, and to stop the bleeding. Lucky it had looked like he'd lost more blood than he had.

His forearm was bandaged up tightly. The gash was deep, but not life threatening.

Now he lay there under a heating lamp with an oxygen mask on. The condensation on the inside of the mask eased Becca's worry a little, but only just.

"Becca!" She turned to find Taec jogging towards her, a bag of clothes in hand. He'd known Ash would need to change before leaving the ER.

Becca stood a flood of tears started and the former pop star pulled her into his strong arms.

"He'll be okay. He's stronger than you think."

She nodded, but said nothing. All she could do was sob. Finding him like that had been the most terrified she'd ever been in her life. It had forced her to face her feelings head on. She loved him. God, how she loved him. The idea of loosing him...

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