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**** Taec paced up and down the office for some time before looking down at the pictures that lay on his desk.

"What kind of sick Bastard would do this to a child?!"

Ash leaned over and pointed to the picture of the girl's feet. "The kid's lucky she didn't get frostbite. She ran several miles before Yeou found her."

Taec lifted a brow, "Yeou, huh."

Ash gave him a warning glance before glancing at the door. "Not here, Taec. Certainly, not now."

Taec sat down in his chair. "Whatever you say. What are you gonna do if Becca starts asking questions?"

Ash slowly looked up at his brother.

"Taec, Yeou doesn't want anyone to know who he is

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"Taec, Yeou doesn't want anyone to know who he is. So what do you think I'd tell her?"

He shrugged, "She's not drooling over me. So I don't care what you tell the girl."

Brett poked his head in the office then. "Ash, the little girl keeps asking for her man in black. Do you have any ideas on how to get in contact with the guy without setting his alarms off?"

Ash and Taec looked at each other before Ash shook his head. "I only know the one email, but there's no guarantee we'd get a response."

Brett nodded, "It's worth a try. Poor kid's refusing to eat."

Taec crossed his arms, "Didn't Yeou give her a personal burner?"

Brett nodded, "Yep, but it's dead. She won't let us have it long enough to charge the thing."

Ash sighed, "Poor kid must be terrified. I'll see what I can do."


Becca sat across from the young girl on the floor. "Are you sure you're not hungry?"

She pushed the soup a little closer, but the child just cast the bowl a dirty look and pressed further into the corner. All the while holding onto her phone for dear life.

The sight broke Becca's heart. "Honey, why don't you let me charge that for you? Once it's all charged up, you can push that button. I'm sure he'd be able to answer you then."

Again, the child shook her head without a word, eyes wide. She reminded Becca of a dear in the headlights. She sighed and sat against the wall.

"Okay, I give up. What do you want?"

The little girl said nothing.

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