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**** Becca opened her eyes when some weight hit the mattress. Ash was pulling on a white tank for the night. She placed her hand on his back, causing him to turn her way.

"You didn't stay up all night with your family. You haven't seen in forever."

Ash lay down and faced her, "I have all week to spend with them. Besides, eomma has wedding ideas she wanted to talk about."

Becca stiffened, "Without me?"

Ash grinned, "She wanted to know if you would mind a surprise gift, and told me what it was."

Becca felt warmth fill her, "I like your parents. They're both so nice. Your sister seems very, umm..."

Ash chuckled, "Protective?"

She nodded, "Yeah. I got this feeling she wanted to do a background check on both Rayne and myself. I can't say as I blame her though."

Ash smothered a laugh, "Now that she knows what I really do for a living, I don't think she'll worry about you. She's gonna be busy wondering if I'm still alive."

Becca's face fell, "I will too. Oh, that reminds me. Who is in charge of your, I mean Yeou's email?"

Ash laughed, "That was a switch. To answer your question, Oracle monitors it. Then when a request comes in, she comms me. Gives me all the details, and the offered amount. Then I decide if it's worth it or not. I only accept the requests worth Yeou's time."

Becca giggled, "What if I send a request when you're late for dinner?"

Ash leaned over her and smiled, "That would definitely be worth his time."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. "I need to memorize that email then."

Ash let her pull him down a little closer, "Becca, who do you prefer? Yeou or me?"

She thought about this and grinned, "Yeou is mysterious, and dangerous. But, I never once saw him smile. He's all business and no fun.

You on the other hand, you wear suits, glasses, and sit behind a desk where it's safe. You smile, are good with kids, put up with me." She laughed at the look in his face.

"I fell for Ash long before I met Yeou."

Ash gave her a warm smile, "Good answer."

He pulled her into a hug, "Yeou can protect you better than I can, but I'll do my best."

Becca closed her eyes as she snuggled close and lay her head on his chest. Her voice was barely more than a whisper when she spoke.

"I love you, Ash."

Ash was already drifting off into sleep as well, but he had enough energy to answer.

"I love you, too."


Yeou slipped back into the shadows as more men came running down the dark tunnel.

"Oracle, tell me why we agree to this job?"

Yeou parried a punch and elbowed the guy in the forehead. The pore guy dropped like a sack of bricks.

Oracle listened as Yeou won one fight after another.

"Don't get punched in the face. Ash's  fiance won't like that."

Yeou grunted when someone landed a lucky kick to his gut. "Aish! These guys are lucky they only have me to deal with."


Oracle tried hard not to laugh into her comm set, while monitoring the situation from base.

She took a bite of her candy bar and sat back. Yeou was doing fine on his own. All she could really do now was watch the traffic.

"Yeou, you need to hurry up. You're running out of time."


"Aish! I'm doing the best I can, Oracle. In case you haven't noticed there are twelve of these guys!"

He ducked another punch and landed a kick to the newest attackers back.

"Yeou, you do know what today is right?"

Yeou ignored her and ran forward. He used the last man's knee as a booster, wrapped one leg around his neck, and almost spun. Yeou used his own wieght to take the man down and elbowed him in the throat.

Yeou lay there for a long moment to catch his breath. Then pulled himself up and lifted the package. Opening it to verify its authenticity.

"Oracle, I have the package. My test kit was smashed. The vials look real enough, but I would let the clients know to test the substance just to be sure."

He closed the case and began headed for the exit, "In route to rendezvous."

"Will do. Once you've delivered it meet up with Wren. He's warming up the chopper for you."

Yeou was about to ask why, but he was stopped the moment a man grabbed his ankle. Yeou looked up and the ceiling for a moment. Then punched down hard. The man was unconscious before his head hit the ground.

"I don't have time for you today!"


Yeou rested against a wall and sighed, "This has been one hell of a day."

"You need to get moving, Yeou."

"Oracle, give me a moment. Those guards were good. Well trained and organized."

He could hear her sigh, "Ash is getting married in four hours. What will Becca say when he's not there?"

Yeou was up and running for the chopper, "She'll kill him is what."


Becca stood on the chopper pad arms crossed. "He'd better have a very good reason for being this late!"

Brett grinned, "You realize what he does for a living, right?"

"Dad, he's been gone for a week!"

Brett coughed to cover his laugh, "Honey, you're moving to South Korea with the man. Let him have just little bit of freedom before dooms day."

The look she gave him was hilarious. Brett couldn't help laughing. She was livid now.

"Daddy, I can't believe you'd say that! I'm so telling Mom!"

There goes the funny. "No. You don't need to tell you mother."

Becca turned and began stomping towards her parents house. "Watch me!"

She was half way there the sound of a helicopter sounded on in the distance. Becca turned and watched. It did take long for the large chopper to appear and land.

She waited until the blades had stopped spinned and jogged back up to the pad. The door slid open and Yeou hopped out. The poor man looked like he'd been run over by a truck.

Becca ran to him, "Ash, you ok?"

Ash hugged her close, "I'm fine. I don't think I'll agree to doing jobs for that client ever again though."

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