Chapter 26

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Normal POV:

As Simon and the others follow Meri and Ray towards the old village, they started to ask them questions.

"Hey Meri, how did you and Ray met?" Simon asked. "It's a long story..." Meri replied. "C'mon! Please?" Martin begged. "Fine..." Meri looked at Ray. "Sure..." Ray answered but she didn't look back at Meri.

Flashback (Meri's POV)

Okay so...we were kids when we first met...

It was nice but Ray was always getting bullied by other children because on how she attire herself and act...I was one of the kids who keeps on laughing at Ray. I saw how they treat her.

They would push her and trip her. I never did saw Ray fight back...everyone feels like she's hiding something. Something, that no one needs to know. She wears a plain mask that time, using a cloth for her mouth and her hair is covering her eyes.

One day, we all are in the playground. We saw Ray passes by. "Hey look, the lonely mask freak is back..." One of my 'friends' commented. "Hey, let's give her a fun time..." The other one giggled. "Hey guys...I think Ray had enough..." I look at them as they are already standing up..

"Now you're helping the freak out? Look Meri, she doesn't belong here...she doesn't even have parents!" The other one shouted. I continued to sit down on my seat and didn't reply. They all walk towards Ray and pushed her on the mud.

They kept throwing rocks but Ray didn't care. She just stayed on the ground. I couldn't take their teasing anymore so I rushed there pushing the one on front away and I blocked Ray. "Enough!" I shouted. "Look, pink pony tail hair is blocking the mask freak!"

"So what!? You guys are not even being friendly to anyone anymore! I regret being in your stupid group!" I shouted. "Wow, acting tough? You can't be serious Meri..." I continued to stare at them angrily and they have rocks in hand.

I close my eyes and hope it would end. Then I heard a voice behind me and Ray. "Beat it kids!!!!" It was my dad. I hugged him tight and he we helped Ray.

We kept Ray, and I treated her as my bestest friend...

We share each others secrets that no one would possibly know. I hid her secrets deep down below, and so did she.

"Hey Meri...why don't you play with the other kids..." Ray looks at me. "Nah...I don't need more friends, I only need you..." We were living happy that time.

But then, chaos started. Bodil666, has dominated Hellcraft and commanded all mobs to kill everyone, in the village, never did bring mercy to the land. No one was left. But me and Ray. My parents died...and all was left with me is Ray.

End of flashback

"And that's how me and Ray met..." Everyone has a shock expression. "Wow...deep.." Baki keeps his eyes widened. "Okay okay, shut up..." Ray replied and Meri stopped at the deserted place. "We are here..." She look around.

"Oh God..." Martin looks around. "This place is a mess..." He continued. "Yeah..." Ghost added. Meri walked to a specific broken house almost covered in sand.

She knelt on the grond and looks down making tears fall off her eyes and crawls down her cheek.

"This is it....home sweet home..."


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