Chapter 8

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Bodil's POV:

I am still inside tha cage. But I can hear talking from the other side of the room. I leaned closer to the wall and listened carefully, I bet Bodil666 is talking with his fellow meanies.

"Well, is the trap ready?" Trap? What trap? "Yes Bodil, the trap is ready and the people Martin cares about is already here. In the Slime Kingdom." EnderLox answered. Simon and the guys are already here!? "And what about Double and Vikkstar?" Bodil666 asked again. "They are no where in sight..." Insane Simon answered.

"Well, this is really part of my, go and secure the castle...make sure those mobs are not fed..." Bodil666 chuckled and a moment later his chuckle turned into a laugh. His 'friends' joined in but that made him mad.

"WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE!? GO!" I can hear a lot of running and the door. They must be really afraid of Bodil666, but how did the guys find this place? I never told them anything.

Bodil666's POV:

I sat down on my throne and let the fire behind me burn and their sounds actually are music to my ears. I opened my palm and flame started to show. "Show me....Simon..." The flame showed me Simon looking up to the ceiling in his room in the Slime Kingdom.

"You look so cute Simon....why can't you just be mine?" I chuckled. "I can't help but look at your adorable face and poke it when you're still asleep..." Then someone interrupted me the flame disappeared and I sat down straight. I saw it is Insane Simon. "What do you want now!? And didn't I told you to knock before entering!?" I shouted and I growled making the fire behind me growl as well.

"S-sorry, I just wanted to check if you are okay and if you need anything..." He started to rub his hand on his arm looking down. I stood up and walked towards him, and lifts his chin up making him face me. I smiled. "I am okay, and I do not need anything..." He smiled back. "But you are in big trouble..." I looked at him as my face is slowly making an angry face.

"B-Bodil??" He asked getting scared, I hold onto his neck and started chocking him. "Never ever do that again, or you will be in that room and in that cage with Martin!" I shouted as I continued to choke him and I threw him down and snapped my fingers making me teleport to my throne.

I saw him coughing on the ground and he tried standing up. I just watched him suffer. Watching someone suffer makes my day, what must I do before Simon gets here? Hhmm....

Oh I know...

I snapped my fingers and let myself teleport near Martin's cage, I leaned on his cage. "Knock knock..." I chuckled and he looked at me angrily. "What do you want!?" He asked angrily and grinds his teeth. "I just wanna tell you that, I am really happy that Simon is coming over. Where I would swift him off his feet as I pretend to be you..." I laughed as I saw his eyes widen.

"Perfect plan, am I right?" I laughed more. He tried attacking me, but his chains are stopping him. I stood up straight and continued to look at him, but this time, a teasing smirk forming on my face. "Wonder what his lips tastes like..." I leaned closer to the bars teasing him. "Don't you dare touch Simon!" He shouted. "I swear to God, if you touched Simon, even one bit...I will kill you!" He added.

"As if you can..." I laughed and walked towards the room door. "Night night..sleep tight..." I laughed.

"If you can~" I finally left him alone. Simon, you are mine...


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