Chapter 11

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Simon's POV:

As we leave the Slime Kingdom with Sara. She guided us through this place. "But I must warn everyone of you. After that boundary is now the turf of evil mobs and in that turf, they already have the rights to kill you, even if they don't have perimission from the king of Hellcraft." She pointed out while walking.

"Oh my God...why does Martin have to be captured!?" Ghost asked and then I snicker a bit.

Time skip

We already walked for half an hour now and we still haven't reached Hellcraft. We aren't even half way there!

"How much further??" I asked breathing heavily. "Further more," Sara looked at us. "We can stop to a village near here!" She smiled and we all cheered in relief. Everyone sat down and I saw Sara walked towards a huge-almost-leafless tree. She sat down and looked at the Hellcraft castle.

I walk towards her and sat down. "So, uh, have you met Bodil666?" I asked looking at the castle. "A lot of times..." She answered. "When was the start?" I asked. "When I was still a little slime kid...he always torture every single slime people in our kingdom, he wasn't still the ruler of Hellcraft." I was shocked.

"So there's someone who rulled over Hellcraft first than him?" I asked.

"Yes, but Hellcraft wasn't Hellcraft that time. It was called Flaming Lava. That kingdom is full of amazing people who can control fire and full of people that are kind. But then...the masters of evil appeared...causing all realm fight against each other. EnderWorld's master, EnderLox took hold and his forces began to be strong when Bodil666 had killed the king of Flaming Lava. He made every single survivors suffer until they die. No one survives them. No one does. And the only way to survive them is, if you have the RedStone pendant..."

What's the RedStone pendant?

"Excuse me, if you may let me ask....what is the RedStone pendant?" I asked her and she look at me. "It is hiding somewhere deep in this world. Bodil and his fellow badies has been looking for it, they have been searching high and low, but they never found it. No one knows where it is or what it does. But some say, a book will tell more about the RedStone pendant, in a form, of a rhyme..."

"So, what will happen if they took hold onto it?" She sighed. "That is yet to be known, but my parents did tell me, that if the RedStone has been taken in the wrong hands, evil..will live on...and this world will be permanently taken by evil and so will your reality...the bourder of your reality and our reality will disappear and all the people will suffer. And they will live in great danger..." She replied. "Making it hard to believe, but we need to find that RedStone pendant before they do...and I think I know why they took your friend." She look at me.

"I have a feeling, your friend has the book we need to read, to find out where the RedStone pendant might be..." I started to think and loom up to the sky. "If Martin does know about this, why didn't he told me?"

Then Sara stood up making me look at her. "We must walk now before it gets dark, the village is not far from here..." She smiled and started to walk making the others follow her. I took a bit of second before following her. But something doesn't really fits the hole.

What do Bodil666 really wants???

Skybrine's POV:

I don't actually know what Bodil wants from Martin, I mean, he already has everything. Oh well..

But when I passed by his throne room I heard him talking to himself. I stopped and listened for a moment.

"Taking Simon and the book of stones from Martin will be easy...but I have to force him on the book part. Because I really need to get my hands on the RedStone pendant! And if I have that one can stop me and I will be powerful!" When I heard those words, it made me think. I look at my necklace and looked outside the window.

I hold onto my necklace's pendant tighter and willing to find that RedStone pendant again. I am sick and tired of letting Bodil treat me like crap, he keeps on bosing me around, and when I have that pendant, I will make sure he will suffer the way I did...

EnderLox's POV:

I walk back inside the castle after that rejection, and I immedietly saw Brine walking towards his room, surprisingly, in a hurry, what is he up to this time? I walked near his door and listened carefully.

"Soon, that RedStone pendant will be mine and they will suffer, especially Bodil! He will feel the same pain that I felt."

"He is turning his back on Bodil. I must warn him before this happens." I was about to leave but then I remembered our deal. We would cover for each other if we know something by secret. I never wanted to break that...but I need to tell Bodi–wait a minute....Bodil's the reason why Insane doesn't like me. So I will let Brine do his dirty work....

I don't care about this team anymore. Bodil just started bossing us around when he has the higher title. Not like in the past. We always work together just by making trouble. Plus! I'm out of here! I will go back in my EnderWorld and no one can stop me from leaving!

I flied out of Hellcraft and straight to EnderWorld. I most likely like to stay in my own kingdom than be in Bodil's kingdom!


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