Chapter Seventeen

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-Unfresh's P.O.V-

Just where is my lame-ass bastard of a brother?! He's nowhere to be found, and apparently (b/f/n) hasn't seen him since he left in English.

... Did he actually skip school?! My goodie-two-shoes brother?!

I then pulled out my phone, and used the tracker set up on his phone to see that he wasn't at school. He was at... (y/n)'s house!

... But why...? (y/n) didn't show up at school, but how does Fresh know where (y/n) is? She could be at a doctor's appointment, or something like that.

Deciding that I needed more information, I walked up to (b/f/n), who was enjoying her lunch.

"Hey." I said, catching her attention.

(b/f/n) slightly jumped at my voice. But once she saw that it was me, she sighed in relief.

"What'd you need, Unfresh?"

"Where's (y/n)?" I questioned.

"Home sick. Why you curious?"

I looked away.

"No reason."

I then walked away.

... Seems like Fresh was trying to act real smooth.

... Guess I'll have to ruin that...

-(b/f/n)'s P.O.V-

This is too cute! The love triangle has officially begun! Fresh and Unfresh both officially like (y/n), and it's absolutely adorable! But here's the real question...

... When the time comes to choose, who will she choose?

... I can't wait to find out!

-Fresh's P.O.V-

After laying a sleeping (y/n) in her bed, I heard a banging on the front door.

(y/n) stirred in her sleep for a moment, but didn't wake up.

... Who's trying to disrupt (y/n) while she tries to get better?!

... If it's her mom... Then I'm screwed...

Scared and frightened, I walked up to the front door, where I heard another pounding.

... Wait... If it was (y/n)'s mother, then she would've just used a key...

Opening the door, I saw a shocking sight.

My brother.


"What do you think you're doing here?" I questioned as I opened the door.

"I could ask you the same question."

Crap, he got me there!

"Well, if we're going to argue, we should do it outside. (y/n)'s finally asleep."

Unfresh was silent for a moment before responding.

"Fine. But you have some explaining to do."

We then closed the front door, and headed to the porch, where we sat in two of the available seats.

"Well? I'm waiting for your reasoning for why you thought it'd be a good idea to skip school." Unfresh said, as if he was my parent.

"You obviously thought it was a good idea as well, since you did it too." I defended.

Unfresh seemed taken back.

"I came to get you. Plus, it's MY thing to do things like skip school, not yours. Our parents are used to me doing things like this. But not you. Plus... If they found out... I bet they'd probably send you back to homeschooling, where you won't be able to see (y/n)..."



Shoot! He's right!

I glared, before heading inside to grab my things. I then had to leave (y/n)'s home, and head back to school.

... Leaving (y/n) alone with Unfresh...

... I don't like this...

... Not one bit...

-Unfresh's P.O.V-

Heh. I got him.

Now I have (y/n) all to myself.

Sucks to be you, Fresh!

I then headed inside the door, and walked to (y/n)'s room, where she was indeed asleep.

Though she looked cold, so I grabbed a blanket to give to her.

As I tried to give it to her, she grabbed it, and pulled it into herself. I tried to pull away, but ended up being dragged in as well. Before I could climb out of the bed, (y/n) wrapped her arms around me, as if I was a stuffed animal.

"(y/n), let me go." I whispered.

(y/n) didn't respond for a while.

"... Don't go... Kitty..."

She thinks I'm a kitty! Is she insane?!

"... Purr... My kitty..."

(y/n) then started to pet under my chin.

... This is SO AWKWARD!



I couldn't see (y/n)'s face, but I bet she was smiling.

"Good kitty."

... This is not what I signed up for when I came over here!

... But can I really end (y/n)'s fun?


... I guess for now I should just be grateful that no one else is here to see this...

Sorry for such a short chapter. But I must admit that I enjoyed writing it, which is probably why it's coming out must faster than usual. That, and also that I'm moving soon. Like, next week soon. Because of that, we're going to have to pack the computer that I use to update, and once it's packed... No updates will be available for a while. I'm sorry, but that's just what's going to happen. I hope you can understand, and be patient. Later! =^-^=

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