Chapter Two

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

The bell rang, indicating that the class was over.

Despite everyone needing to get to their next classes, it seemed like most of the students (especially the girls) hurried to swarm over Fresh and Unfresh.

"I don't really see what their problem is." I muttered under my breath.

"Yeah, I agree. If you really want to talk with someone, you just need to get their social media accounts." (b/f/n) said, eyes still on her phone.

I gave her a 'really' look.

But since she was so engrossed on her phone she didn't see it.

"See you at lunch." I said before walking away.

"Bye!" (b/f/n) enthusiastically said...

... With her eyes still on her phone.

I sighed before exiting the classroom.

-Fresh's P.O.V-

"Girls, girls. We'd love to continue talking with you lovely ladies, but we all should get to our next classes." I explained.

The ladies responded with understanding phrases, before walking away.

Unfresh sighed.

"They really are annoying. All their chatter was giving me a headache." Unfresh complained, while rubbing his temples.

"Oh come on." I said while putting my arm on Unfresh's shoulder. "It wasn't that bad. Come on, I know that you love the attention-"

I was cut off by Unfresh pushing my arm away, grabbing his backpack, and exiting the classroom.

"Wait for me!" I shouted as I ran after Unfresh.

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Finally. A class where no one's obsessing over skeletons. Probably because they aren't in this class.

But still.

It's nice to be able to focus.


Never thought I'd say THAT.

And I know exactly what (b/f/n) would say if she heard my thoughts.

'Are you sick? Did you hit your head or something? Do you need help?!'

I laughed quietly at my impersonation of my best friend.

Luckily the teacher didn't see me laughing.


Class is over! Time for my favorite class; creative writing!

That's right! I love to write stories. Though I never really get to writing my own stories since (b/f/n) always wants me to right something for her.

A shiver went down my spine as I remembered all the smut I've written for her...

Let's try to not think about that, shall we?

I then headed down the hallways to creative writing.

When I arrived, everyone was crowded around my table.

And in the center of the attention was one of the skeleton brothers.

... 'Fresh' if I remember correctly...

I then saw that he was in the seat next to mine.

... Oh dear...

It was hard to squeeze by all the students to get to my seat.

This is absolutely ridiculous! He's just a skeleton! How is he so popular?!

I slumped into my seat and pulled out the notebook for this class and began working on the prompt that was on the board for our warm-up.

... I will not let this skeleton ruin the quality of my education...

-Fresh's P.O.V-

As I was being bombarded with questions left and right, I noticed a girl walk into the classroom and sit next to me.

As soon as she sat down, she began to write in her notebook.

She completely ignored me!

Well, I must say that it's nice. I don't like constantly being in the spotlight.

When class officially started, everyone had to sit down in their seats.

I then turned to the girl, who I noticed was seriously focused on whatever she was writing.

To be honest... She looked kind've cute.

"Hey." I whispered to her.

She didn't respond.

I frowned.

I then tried tapping her on the shoulder.

Still no response.

... Is this girl even in our world anymore...?

I guess there's one more thing I can try...

I then grabbed the girl's notebook and took it from her.

It took the girl a moment to realize what had just happened. But once she did...

... She gave me a harsh death glare...


-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

As I was writing, my notebook disappeared from in front of me.

I turned to where the notebook went, to face Fresh.

I didn't say anything, for I didn't want to alert the teacher.

Instead, I gave a harsh death glare.

My anger was switched with confusion when I saw Fresh's glasses spell out 'Uh-Oh'.

Um... How did that...?

Fresh's glasses then changed to say 'What'.

Are his glasses magical...?

Out of curiosity, I grabbed his glasses, and put them on.

"Hey!" Fresh exclaimed, bringing everyone's attention to us.

"Is there something wrong (y/n) and Fresh?" Mr. Jones questioned.

"No. Nothing at all!" I quickly said.

Mr. Jones raised an eyebrow, before going back to reading through some papers.

... Probably our most recent assignment...

Fresh then quickly grabbed his glasses and put them back on his face.

While he was distracted with his glasses, I took the opportunity to take my notebook back.

Once I had my precious notebook back, I continued writing my story.

-Fresh's P.O.V-

I frowned as the girl went back to her writing.

She must be pretty serious about her writing.

But, at least I learned her name.


What a beautiful name.

Wait a second... I just met this girl... There's no way I could already like her...

... I never said I liked her. I just found her name pretty.

Nothing wrong with that...

... Right? 

Hello everyone! Hope you've enjoyed the first two chapters in this story. Any suggestions/tips? Let me know! If you're curious about my updating schedule then check my activity feed. I just posted something a few minutes ago concerning that subject. Later! =^-^=

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