Chapter Fifteen

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

After (b/f/n) came back downstairs, we all decided to play a game since the pool idea didn't work out. Of course, I kept my promise to not tell (b/f/n) about Unfresh's problem with water.

"Ah! How are you two so good?! I can't seem to ever beat you guys!" (b/f/n) questioned.

That's right, my master gaming skills were finally being put to the test. Unfresh turned out to be a really good gamer, and was able to sometimes beat me. In the game, it wasn't a competition to beat the computers... It was a competition to beat each other. And it was always close. If I had to give an estimate on who won more, I couldn't answer. It was like I won 50% of the time, and Unfresh won 50% of the time. Poor (b/f/n) didn't win at all.

"I'm just that awesome." Unfresh stated.

I rolled my eyes.

"Then why do you lose to me half of the time?" I questioned.

Unfresh didn't have an answer for that, and (b/f/n) burst out laughing.

"She got you there!"

"Then let's go one more round. Just you and me. Let's see who truly is the best."

I gave a determined smile.

"Game. On!"

"Wait!" (b/f/n) shouted.

"What?" Unfresh and I questioned in sync.

"We need to have dinner! I've been a terrible host! I'm so sorry! How about I make dinner while you two do your final battle?" (b/f/n) explained while standing up.


"I don't see a problem with that."

"Great! So... Which dinner would you like?" (b/f/n) questioned.

"(Dinner)." I answered.

Unfresh answered with hot-dogs.

"Hot dogs and (dinner) coming up! It shouldn't take too long, so don't worry about that." (b/f/n) reassured us before exiting the room, leaving it just the two of us.

"You ready?" Unfresh questioned.



This is absolutely impossible...

... We got a tie!?

"We have to go another round!" I exclaimed.

"I agree 100%." Unfresh stated.

But before we could do so, (b/f/n) called us in for dinner.

As always, (b/f/n)'s cooking was so-so.

"I guess we should get you home after we eat, huh?" (b/f/n) questioned.

"Well, it's not like we have stuff for a sleepover, so we don't really have a choice." I stated.

(b/f/n) sighed.

"Guess you're right. I'll go get my mom to drive you two home. I would join you two, but I really need to study for an upcoming test that I have." (b/f/n) explained before leaving the room.

Wait... That means I'll be in a car with Unfresh... Without my best friend by my side...

... How much does she want to see this ship happen?!

After we had finished our food, (b/f/n)'s mother gathered us in the car, and drove me home first.

"Have a good night!" (b/f/n)'s mother called out to me.

"Thanks! You too!" I called back before heading inside my house.

My mother wasn't home, so I just headed to my room and decided to write for a little bit.

As long as I don't stay up too late, I shouldn't be too tired tomorrow... Hopefully...

But I must admit, my opinion on Unfresh has changed drastically. I'm starting to see that he is indeed a good person. He's just someone with some rough edges. Nothing wrong with that though.

-Unfresh's P.O.V-

As (b/f/n)'s mother dropped me off at my house, I bid my farewell, and headed inside.

As I headed up the stairs, I found Fresh waiting for me at the top of the stairs. His arms were folded, and he looked quite angry.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Do you honestly don't know? Why are you trying to make my life miserable?" Fresh questioned.

"Last time I checked, brothers are supposed to make each other miserable. Like I already stated, if you're going to get (y/n), you're going to have a long bumpy road along the way." I answered, pushing past Fresh to get to my room.

Fresh quickly grabbed my arm, and turned me to face him.

"You're the worst. I'm surprised (y/n) even hangs out with the likes of you."

I smirked.

"Losing our temper, are we? Guess even you can lose your cool."

Fresh frowned while glaring.

"I can see it in your eyes. The reason why you don't want me to be with (y/n); you want her for yourself."

This statement shocked me most of all. Not because he was wrong.

But because he was right.

I didn't want to accept it because it'd make me look weak, but I can't deny it any longer.

Yep. I'm in love.


But I can't let Fresh know that.

"Believe what you want. I'm heading to bed. Night." I said before pulling away and heading to my room.

As I was laying in bed, my mind was filled with ideas of how to deal with the situation. Do I tell her? Do I not? How do I act around her?

Why must love be so confusing!?

-Fresh's P.O.V-

I don't care what Unfresh says. I know he loves her. And just like with everything else we've had to share, there's one thing I have to say.

... I'm not sharing...

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I'm also sorry that this chapter is shorter than other chapters. I literally just finished writing this chapter a few minutes ago, so yeah... If you haven't checked it out, I have a schedule on my account which tells everyone when I (TRY) to update each of my stories. I still haven't adjusted perfectly, but I'm trying my hardest to do so. So, please be patient while I try to adjust. Anyway... Thanks for making this story so popular! I really do appreciate it. Later! =^-^=

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