Chapter 47

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Shawn's POV:
"Sorry" was the last thing I could hear her mumble before I slam the door shut. I sigh, running my hand trough my hair while pacing through the room.

She looked frightened and I can't blame her. Maybe I was a bit too harsh but if I hadn't been like that she would have started to ask questions and she wouldn't stop until I tell her the truth. She will hate me again if she finds out.

A few weeks ago I didn't care about that at all but now I don't want her to hate me. I don't want her to be afraid of me. Sighing, I let myself fall back onto the mattress as suddenly the door swings open.

„What do you want?" I question annoyed, expecting it to be Rose. "Woah someone has a bad day." Geoff chuckles, crossing his arms as he stands in front of me. "I thought you were someone else." I murmur, rubbing the palms of my hand over my face.

„I actually just wanted to make sure you haven't forgotten that we have to leave soon but..." Geoff trails off, sitting on a chair in front of me. "But?" I ask, opening one eye. "Why did Rose just look like she has seen a ghost?" I sigh, debating if I can tell him or not. I mean, he's one of my best friends but... I don't know if I should.

„Shawn. I'm not gonna let it go this time and I can already guess what it is about. You know, I see more than you think." He says. "Geoff I can't. You probably know way less than you think." I reply, sitting up. He just leans back, raising his eyebrow.

Maybe it's better to tell him than anyone else. "You have to promise me not to tell Andrew. He would kill me." "I promise." "So  uhmm... before you think I'm a total idiot, I'll tell you the reason I started with that." I say and Geoff nods waiting for me to continue.

„So... the time before my ex girlfriend got dragged away from the ambulance, her little brother had an illness. I don't really remember what but he needed a surgery which her parents couldn't afford. She was already breaking down at that time and if something happened with her brother she would loose it completely. So I just didn't know what else to do but go to these kids in school-"

„Drugs?" Geoff asks. „Yeah... I never thought that one simple mission would get me into all of that with the real drug dealers and everything. While trying to leave that all behind me I got myself even deeper into it. So here I am."

„I understand that you were desperate back there so I won't judge you. We just have to find a way to stop it Shawn without Andrew knowing." Geoff says, sighing. "So now what about Rose?" "What do you mean?"

„Shawn." "Fine." I say, playing with the ring on my finger. "During that time I got to know some people obviously and one of them is Nathan Anderson." "Wait? Isn't Rose's name..." "Anderson. Yeah. And her brother's first name is Nathan."

„Did you see him lately? We have to tell her!" Geoff says. "No!" "What why?" Geoff questions confused. "Let me explain. First of all, he was here like twenty minutes ago. But listen, like I said Nathan is also involved in all of this. I don't know his reason but I know that he's trying to protect Rose.

The car accident of her parents... well it wasn't an accident. He didn't tell me much but some of these gangs threatened him that they would hurt his family. He's probably knows too much or something. Well, he didn't listen so the car accident happened. When he saw what there were capable of, he disappeared to make sure Rose isn't in danger.

Ava is here to make sure she is okey. That's all I know but we can't tell her Geoff." I explain, watching as he comprehends what I just said. "You said he was here a few minutes ago? Where was Rose?"

„I don't know. She was suddenly standing in my room after Nathan left. I just hope she didn't hear anything." I reply, running a hand through my hair. "I was a bit harsh so that's why she looked so shocked probably." "But... what do we do?

All she wants is to find her brother and now we know that he is here but we are not going to tell her."

"It's up to her brother when he tells her. I don't want her to be in danger Geoff. So please don't tell a soul. She would hate me forever if she finds out. I don't want that." I say, immediately regretting it because of Geoff's stupid knowing smirk. "I won't but since when do you care if she hates you?" Geoff questions.

„I don't." I grumble, standing up. "Yes you do." "And now what? Does it matter?" I ask, searching for my phone. "Yes it does." Geoff states. "Why? Why do you keep asking me that?" I question, annoyed.

„Because for the first time since all that happened with your ex girlfriend, you are truly smiling again."

Rose's POV:
Sighing, I grab the curling iron wrapping the last hair strand around it before smoothening out all the curls to soft waves. I finish my make up and make sure my dark red simple dress fits everywhere.

While walking out of the bathroom to grab my purse with my phon, I almost trip over my own feet. All I can think about is like half an hour ago. Why was he like that?

And who was that man? The voice seems familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I call out, swinging my little matching handbag over my shoulder. "Hey Rose. I just wanted to tell you that we are leaving in a minute." Geoff says, after poking his head trough the door.

I nod, walking towards the door to put on my jacket. "Everything okey?" Geoff questions as we head downstairs. "Yeah." I reply. I notice how he eyes me skeptically but remains silent. Much to my request. I wouldn't have the nerve for his questions now.

As we walk down I see everyone standing there including Shawn who is focused on his phone. I don't even know why but my heart skips a beat as his eyes meet mine for a brief second. I quickly turn my head unwillingly standing next to him since people are already looking.

Shawn says nothing, taking my hand but I unintentionally pull it away, confusion washing over his face. He frowns, opening his mouth to say something only to close it again.

Exhaling deeply I intertwine our finger once again, starting to walk out of the building behind the others. I'm overreacting a bit but it just shocked me to see him like that. I didn't think he can be so aggressive.

The whole car ride I could feel Shawn glancing at me every now and then, making me feel kinda uncomfortable so I turn my head glaring at him. "What?" "Nothing." He states, blankly staring out of the window now. I roll my eyes, opening the car door as we come to a stop in front of a restaurant.

I just hope this time our 'relationship' or my private life isn't the main subject. But I guess not since Shawn said it's an important meeting. We head in greeting everyone and I just play along, smiling friendly. I'm actually glad that no on is asking me anything so I can just sit there and wait for the evening to be over.

I play with a napkin as suddenly my phone lights up signaling I got a message. I furrow my eyebrows seeing that I got a message from a number I haven't saved.
Unknown Number: Wanna find your brother? Look behind the restaurant.
What? Maybe it's just someone who got the wrong number. Someone who searches their brother aswell? Yeah of course. But making sure it's a misunderstanding won't hurt. I look up, noticing that Shawn is watching me as ai put the phone in my purse. Okey?

Is he becoming a stalker now or what? I excuse myself from the table, before acting like I'm strolling towards the bathroom. As I'm out of sight I head to the exit of the restaurant. I take my phone out, texting the person to ask why she or he knows that I'm looking for my brother.

Waiting for a reply I make sure no one is behind me but as I start to walk again, after noticing a figure standing in the alley bext to the restaurant I bump into someone. "Sorry I-" I say but stop speaking as I see Shawn in front of me. "What are you doing outside?" He asks.

"Uh....I just... I needed some air." I reply, clearing my throat. "Well you got that. Come back in now." Shawn states. "I'm coming in a few minutes. You can go." I say, pinching my eyes at him. He sighs, taking my arm to pull me with him.

„You are coming with me now. Remember we need to make a good impression."  I turn around to look if the person is still there but no one is to be seen. Damn it.

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