Chapter 91

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Rose's POV:
„Shawn, no." I whine, trying to pry his hands away from my waist but it's no use to fight against him. „Come on, baby. You have studied enough these past four days. You deserve a little fun now." Shawn states, pecking my lips quickly before he easily lifts me up over his left shoulder.

"Parties are no fun for me." I protest, crossing my arms as he sets me onto the tiled floor of the hotel bathroom. „To how many big parties have you been before?" Shawn asks, mimicking my posture which just causes me to roll my eyes.

Wordlessly, I turn around attempting to walk back to the hotel bed, where lots of books are waiting for me but as soon as I make the first step I Shawn drag in front of sink again.

"Hun, I get it that you are stressed but don't worry so much. Your grades have been good and they won't suddenly fall now." Shawn reassures, cupping my cheeks with his large warm hands. I just look to the side, avoiding his cute puppy eye look. I do like parties but I have absolutely no motivation today.

"I could have been studying while you are trying to convince me, idiot!" I mutter, harsher than I intended to. I'm just tired and I feel like a walking zombie because of the lack of sleep.

„Sorry..." I mumble, running a hand trough my hair frustratedly. „So that's it, we are definitely going. You need to get out of this hotel room." Shawn says, gently pulling me in front of the mirror again before he disappears out of the bathroom for a moment.

"Shawn." I sigh as he hands me the black dress he bought me last week. „What? You look absolutely gorgeous in it." „But like it's short and it's cold outside you know..." I mumble, desperately trying to find an excuse but Shawn just shakes his head.

"Sorry hun, that's no problem. You'll take a jacket and if you are still cold you'll get mine too." He replies, tapping my nose with his finger. „Buuut...." I exhale deeply as this stupid grin grows on his face, knowing I can't say anything to make him let me stay.

"Come on baby, it's gonna be fun, I promise. And if it sucks we will leave okey?" Shawn asks, looking at me through the mirror pouting adoringly. Well aware that he would drag me there anyways, I eventually give in. „They are all gonna be jealous." Shawn states while putting some hair glue into his messy curls.

„Why?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed. „Because the most beautiful and amazing girl, is only mine." He grins, kissing my cheek. „God, I'm starting to believe that I miss the mean Shawn." I murmur, causing a low chuckle to escape his lips. "Shut up, you love it."

"Mhm." I hum, continuing to put on some make up, to hopefully make me look less sleep deprived. „I'll be back in a few. I have to talk to Andrew before we leave, okey?" Shawn asks and I nod, before he walks out of the bathroom.

Sighing loudly, I finish my make up and curl my hair a bit to make them look more voluminous. After slipping my dress on too, I add a few bracelets and a necklace, heading out of the bathroom to get my jacket.

As I walk out I see Shawn's phone, which is laying on the bed, light up a few times. I look over to see who it is and the smallest amount of excitement I had for this party, vanished in a second.
Camila: Hey Shawn! 💕 You are coming to the party tonight, right? Will Rose be there too?
Rolling my eyes I put the phone back on the bed. I should spend a night sticking around Camila who will only have eyes for my boyfriend? Oh hell no. But if I stay, they will be alone for the whole night so.... also no. Looks like I have to go. Great. This is going to be so much fun!

'Calm down girl, maybe she is just being nice.' the annoying little voice, that seems to know everything  better, says. „Yeah right. She has been a bit too nice to Shawn." I mumble, while searching for my phone.

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