Chapter 38

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Rose's POV:
So... what do I wear? A dress? No, that's too much right? I'm just gonna wear black jeans a cute white top and my leather jacket. Should I put on make up? Maybe a bit won't hurt.

With my clothes, I stroll into the bathroom, placing my make up bag next to me. What the hell am I doing? I'm acting like it's a date. Ew... What is wrong with me today.

Since he left all I can think about is later. I'm just gonna apply some mascara, concealer and red lipstick like I normally do. I put my hair half up so it's not hanging into my face all the time before walking towards my bed.

I tap my foot on the floor, waiting till Ava comes to get me since she also has to drive to the venue. I wonder what he has in mind. I shrug, as my phone starts to ring signaling that I got a FaceTime call from Carter. Smiling, I press the accept button, his face popping up on my screen seconds after.

„Hey!" Hey Rose." He smiles, then eyeing me skeptically. "What is it?" I ask chuckling lightly. "Are you going somewhere?" Does lipstick really make such a difference on me? "Uh... I'm just going to the concert with Ava since I have nothing to do." I say.

„Oh okey. You looked like you are going on a date." Carter answers, kinda.. disappointed? "Oh no no." I chuckle. "I would have told you and come on with who?" "I don't know." He laughs, scratching his neck. "I'm just worried about my bestie."

„Oh sweetie you don't have to be." I say, winking at him. "Alright, Rose we need to go!" Ava calls, knocking onto the door. "Are you alone or are you and Shawn doing something don't wanna see?" "Come in." I call back, rolling my eyes. "I have to leave, bye." I smile.

"Yeah... see you." Carter mumbles, ending the call. What was that? "Come on. If I'm late then it's your fault that I loose my job." Ava scolds, pulling me up from the bed.

Quickly I follow her into the lobby and towards the car. "So tell me. Who do you wanna impress?" Ava asks after a while of driving. "What do you mean I always wear something like that and I don't want to have just ugly pictures of me all over the internet." I reply, annoyed. "Woah calm down. I was actually just joking." Ava chuckles.

"Whatever." I sigh, looking out of the window. "Rose?" "Hm?" "Do you wann go somewhere after the concert? I know that cute diner-" "Uh... I can't after the concert." "Huh? Why?" She questions, glancing at me confused.

"Rose?" "I don't know. Shawn said I should stay after the concert. He still owes me something remember?" I say, trying to ignore her growing smirk. "Oh my-" "Leave it." "Why are you blushing?" "No I'm not." "Yes you are!" "Ava." I groan, rubbing my forehead.

„Oh come on. Why the hell would Shawn, ask you to stay after the concert? It's definitely a date he just didn't tell you." "Are you serious? You know that he has a girlfriend and you also know I'm not interested at all." I say, rolling my eyes. "Are you sure?"

„Yes! Could you please just drive now. You are late."I snap. "Okey okey." Ava responds but I could see the grin on her face. I'm seriously thinking about punching her.

Why are we friends again? Finally we arrive at the venue and we head backstage. "Hey guys." I sit down on the couch next to Geoff and Austin, since Ava has to help.

„Hey Rose." They say in unison. "What are you doing here?" Geoff questions. Don't you want me here? Ouch." I joke, placing my hand over my heart.

„You know I didn't mean it like that." Geoff chuckles. "I was bored." I shrug and they nod. "Wanna come with us?" Austin asks, as they head towards the door. "Sure." I say and we make our way to the middle of the hall.

Fans screaming and singing along with Shawn, who looks more than happy on stage. Aww that's so cute... I mean... forget it. I sit on a black box thing watching him play guitar with Zubin. It's pretty good.

I start to hum along to probably one of the only two songs I know. Mercy. Shawn stops to sing, holding his microphone up to let his fans sing while his gaze wanders around. I bite the inner side of my cheek as his eyes meet mine.

First he looks surprised but then he starts to grin, winking at me. He probably just had something in his eye though... For the rest of the concert I ignore his glances, talking to Josiah and Geoff.

I mean like what is his problem? I probably asked that so many times but still! After most of the people left I head into a dressing room to get some water.

As I look up from my phone I see Shawn pulling the dress shirt he just wore over his head to put on a new shirt, his back muscles perfectly showing.

Damn how can someone be so fit? I would be way too lazy. Quietly I turn around, press down the door knob to avoid this weird encounter. „Hey Anderson. Where are you going?" Shawn questions, making me turn around again just as he pulls down the shirt.

„Nowhere." I say, clearing my throat. He slips on his jacket, grabbing his keys before walking past me to the door. „Are you coming or are you waiting for a personal invitation?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

I open my mouth to make a comeback but I can't think of anything.
Since when am I speechless around him? Oh my god I really need help. Nodding, I follow him outside to a car.

„Where are we going?" „Are you hungry?" Shawn asks. „Yes! Let's get burgers." I answer and Shawn chuckles. „What?" „Nothing" he says, shaking his head amused. What? Does he expect me to just eat salad? „Why so silent?" Shawn questions grinning, after a while.

„Uh..." „Can't get my amazing body out of your head huh?" he teases, making me roll my eyes. „You know, you are way too confident. I've seen better." I shrug, knowing that it would annoy him. All boys are the same when it comes ed to that.

„Oh really? That's why you were staring so long?" „Well, I have to compare to tell you when you get to dick headed again." I say, smiling sweetly at him.

Now it's his turn to roll his eyes. „And you say I'm easy to annoy." I chuckle, tapping my fingers to the beat of the song which is in the radio.

„I'm not." „Yes you are, Shawnieee." „No I'm not and don't call me that." „You mean Shawnie?" „I swear if you don't shut up now, I'm gonna let you walk back." Shawn grumbles, as we stop at a red light.

„Okey." I reply, taking the seatbelt off me, opening the door. „What are you doing? Hey Rose!" Shawn questions, as I head towards Mcdonalds which is luckily right across the street. Immediately my phone dings.
Shawn: Get in the car. Now.
Y/n: Missing me already?
Shawn: Rose I swear.
Y/n: Calm down buddy. Wait in the parking lot of Mcdonalds.
Shawn: Did you just friendzone me?
Y/n: I never said we are friends.
I chuckle, shutting my phone off as I walk into the building. I order something and walk with the bag and drinks again to the car. „And that had to be in the most extra way?" Shawn questions, as I shut the door again.

„Extra? That's already extra for you? How did you get along with Grace then?" I ask, biting a piece off a fry. „I don't know myself..." Shawn mumbles, making me chuckle. „Poor boy." I say. „I actually wanted to invite you, you know." „You already bought donuts for me." I say, handing him a drink.

„Still." „Get over it. It's not a date." „Would you want it to be one?" Shawn asks, smirking. „No." I state and his face falls. „I'm genuinely hurt." he fake pouts. „I hope you are hurting for a long time." I smile, continuing to eat.

He chuckles, starting to eat aswell. After we are finished Shawn starts to drive again, not telling me where we are going. „Oh come on, tell me." I whine. „Nope. Could you stop being a baby now?" „Why does it annoy you?" „Yes." he sighs.

„Then no I can't." I reply, sticking my tongue out. „Too bad that we are here." Shawn says, turning the car off before going outside. I get out too.

Looking around to see that we are on a beach, no people, the sun already setting. „I'm impressed." I say. Shawn chuckles. „I'm sure you'll be even more impressed when the sun is almost gone."

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