Chapter 56

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Shawn's POV:
I lean my head against the headrest of the car, listening to the quiet music playing as Geoff and I make our way to the venue.

I have to smile, recalling Rose's and my conversation earlier. How she just kissed me, causing my brain to think about nothing but her.

She thinks I'm overreacting but I was honestly so worried. If she only knew... Nathan still wants me to stay away from her for her own safety and even though I believed at that he was just saying that so I don't get near her, I kind of panicked as she was nowhere to be found and wasn't picking up her phone.

As long as I'm with her she is going to be safe. I'm not letting anything happen to her ever again. I still don't really know how to handle the whole stuff she has been trough but I guess the best way to make her happy is to be there for her. I'm just afraid that she still thinks about... you know, ending her life.

What if she does? And what am I gonna do if she finds her brother? Will she want to go back to Canada? To her best friend. I roll my eyes, at the thought of him. Rose constantly smiles at her phone when he texts her and he always seems to call her at night.

I'm not jealous. I just have the feeling that he wants more from her and I don't think that she would choose me over him yet. I still need some time to make her mine so he better keeps quiet. She belongs to me, I just have to make her realize it. Oh I'm gonna make her realize it. Soon enough.

„Shawn?" Geoff asks, making me look at him. "Yes?" "So are we just going to act like we don't know where Rose's brother is? She won't be happy if she accidentally finds out." Geoff says, quickly glancing over at me before focusing his eyes back on the road.

„I don't know, okey? Do you think she will leave when she knows?" I ask, playing with the silver ring on my finger. "Is that why you don't want to tell her?" "What?" I ask.

„You are afraid that she wants to go home when she finds out, right?" "I... well, yeah." I sigh, looking out of the window. "She's not going to want to stay but I can't just cancel tour to be back in Canada with her." "So you finally accepted your feelings?" Geoff questions grinning. I just roll my eyes.

„Are you together?" "No that's the problem. She would definitely rather go home to her best friend and grandma than still stay with us. I just need more time." "I get that but she is going to be hurt if she finds out that you knew the whole time but didn't tell her."

"That's why she can't find out till the time is right." "Shawn I don't think that's a good idea." "I'll fix everything, don't  worry. Just don't tell her." I reassure him. "I won't but I still think it's a bad idea to keep it from her even longer."

I know that it's selfish and probably a bad idea like Geoff said but I can't tell her yet. I can't let her leave. She has feelings for me but they need to get stronger first. I'm not going to loose her. I just have to be careful because if she finds out she will hate me again.

I sigh, frustratedly running a hand trough my hair as er park behind the building were the concert will be. "I know but I'll figure it out. Let's just get this concert done now." I say, before getting out of the car.

We head inside and I walk towards my dressing room to change into a dress shirt. I remember earlier when Ava said the same thing as Geoff now.

I know that I need to tell Rose but I don't know how yet... maybe I tell her I unintentionally bumped into him on the street or the private detective Andrew employed found him.

Yeah, something like that. I wonder if she's here already. After sound check we wait for the people to come in. „Hey Ava! Where's Rose?" I ask her as she walks by.

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