Chapter 24

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Rose's POV:
„You cheated!" „I did not!" I scoff, crossing my arms. „Yes you did. Like how can you win all the time." „It's not my problem that you suck at Mario Cart." „I don't, you cheated." Shawn grumbles, pinching his eyes at me.

"Shawn just accept the fact that she's better than you." Aaliyah chuckles, stuffing some more popcorn in her mouth. „See." I state, sitting on my crossed legs. „Nope. We'll play another round." Shawn responds, starting to set the game up. „Shawn we are playing for two hours now." Aaliyah whines.

"You suck. Live with it. Rose is way cooler." she says, ruffling Shawn's hair while walking towards the bathroom. „One afternoon with my sister and she already likes you more than me." Shawn mutters. „Aww poor thing." I tease, throwing a pillow into his face. „She's adorable. What went wrong with you?" I ask.

"Haha." Shawn says, rolling his eyes. „Don't be such a baby. You-." I start to say but get cut off by a pillow being chucked onto me. I raise my eyebrow, putting the pillow down. „What? Afraid that you would loose at a pillow fight?" „How do you loose a pillow fight?" I ask.

„Like that." Shawn grins, throwing another one right into my face before I could react. „I'm not gonna start with that now. Go and suffer from you hurt ego." I say, taking my phone out. I could hear nothing anymore, I guess he gave up. I click onto the new message from Carter.
Carter: Oh my god. I finally watched Vampire Diaries and I'm addicted. I should have listen to you Rosie ;)
You: Told you! And I also told you to stop calling me that idiot.
Carter: Too bad that there's nothing you can do about it. :p
I was about to type a reply as my phone gets ripped out of my hand. „What? Give it to me!" I say, glaring at Shawn who seems to read the messaged. „You looked so annoyed. Rosie huh?" He chuckles. „Give it to me." I demand, rolling my eyes.

"Uh... nope." he says, plopping the p. „What do you want?" „Another round." he smirks, pointing to the controller. „No. I don't want anymore." I say, stepping onto the couch but he just lifts arm, so I can't reach it. „Just stop it you asshole."

I grumble, holding onto his shoulder so I can stretch my hand up. „Too short." he winks, making a step back, causing me to loose my balance. „Woah." I squeak, already imaging my head colliding with the table as I close my eyes but two arms wrap around my waist to catch me.

I open my eyes, seeing his face only a few inches in front of mine. I could feel his breath on my skin, tickling my cheeks. Shawn still keeps his strong arms around my waist and I can't help but think about last night in the gym. He looked so hot... I mean, he looked good.

Kinda. What am I saying. I know that he's hot and he knows that girls think that about him. Shawn's right hand moved from my waist up my arm, them grazing my jaw lightly. Okey...why do I feel so weird?

You can let me go now. I want to say it out loud but his intense gaze prevents me from getting my mouth open. „You should be more careful." Shawn whispers, a small grin tugging on his lips.

„You should stop annoying me." I reply, pushing him back slightly so I can get away. „Thanks." I mumble, snatching my phone out of his hand. I turn around, laying a hand on my completely red cheek. Oh god. Did he notice? Why am I blushing? What no, it's not blushing.

It's just kinda hot in here. As I walk towards the couch again, I see Aaliyah leaning against the door frame grinning. „What?" I ask, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. „At first I didn't believe you, when you said you are together." she says, gazing towards Shawn. „Why?" Shawn asks, frowning.

"Oh come on. From someone like Grace to someone like Rose? When did your brain start to work again?" Aaliyah asks, plopping down next to me. I chuckle, at how mean she is to her brother. Sorry but it's just fun to watch. „Everyone can make mistakes." Shawn says, before I feel a a soft kiss on my cheek. „Right?" he whisper into my ear.

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