Chapter 10

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Shawn's POV:
I can't help but chuckle. Grace's face is just hilarious. Like who eats salad all the time? Rose turns her head to look at me pinching her eyes lightly at me before she turns her head forwards again.

There is something about her... I don't really know but she's not an average girl. I see how he grins at my girlfriend, enjoying that she can piss her off. Fair enough I have to say but later Grace is gonna be mad at me again but I'm not saying anything.

It's too funny. "Rose what do you think about being in a music video?" Andrew asks, as the foo arrives. "Uh.. if I have to be. Why?" she answers unsure. Aww she's a bit shy, isn't she? "I need a girl for the music video of my new song." I say, making Rose look at me.

She's silence for a few moments, probably thinking. "Come on Rose, it'll be fun." Josiah says, smiling at her. I don't get what they all see in her. They act and talk like she's something special. Don't get me wrong. They are just exaggerated nice to her.

„Fine." She replies, causing me to roll my eyes. I actually hoped she would say no. "Great!" Andrew says. "As long as we are in England we need to take the chance." He adds. The food finally arrives and I try to ignore the 100 text messages Grace is sending me.

She lightly hits her foot against my shin under the table causing me to look up into her warning eyes. Sighing I pull my phone out to read what she texted me.
Grace: I don't like that she is the girl for the video.
Grace: You should take someone else
You: I'm sorry babe but that's Andrew's and not my decision.
I lied but I know that we can't find another girl within the two days we are here, so I guess I have to stick to Rose.

Rose's POV:
The rest of the afternoon I spend walking around the venue. I have to say some songs aren't bad but I'm not that amazed either. Right now I'm sitting on the age of the B stage listening to the rehearsal.

I look over to the boys as a soothing guitar melody gets audible. "She would not show that she was afraid but being and feeling alone was too much to face...." I feel a shiver run down my spine. His voice sound so soft and calm. And the lyrics are pretty relatable...

„Sometimes it all gets a little too much but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up..." Again these damn memories come back. The people from my school who hate me, Liam and my brother who just left me.

He left when I needed someone... I still do but it looks like he doesn't care. I close my eyes seeing the shadow of this person which I always see when I get this suffocating feeling. It's like someone is following everywhere.

I know it's not real but it feel like it and in my dreams, the person haunts me whenever they want. My eyes open quickly as a cold breeze tickles my neck. Scared, I turn back to see that there's nothing. That's what I mean.

I can be in a room full of people but I still feel so vulnerable. The shadow follows me everywhere. Biting my lip, I roll up my sleeves slightly, revealing the almost healed scars. I haven't done it for a while.

Everything was just exhausting and confusing lately but since I'm getting used to everything here my anxiety comes back. Shit. I forgot to take my medicine. How could I forget that? "Why are you here too?" I hear someone say. This time a know who that person is.

„I had nothing to do so I came along." I say, not looking at her. "Of course. It's fun to live at the costs of others, right? I don't believe you." Grace says, stepping in front of me with crossed arms. "Believe what?" I ask, already getting annoyed.

„This whole depressed girl thing. Come on sweetie. Lie to someone else you are probably just here so you don't have to look after yourself." She snaps, flipping her long auburn hair back.

„Listen, I wasn't the one who wanted my problems all over the social media. Andrew did it without my permission and I honestly don't care if you don't believe me. I'm not depressed I just have a lot to deal with." I say, angrily walking towards her.

„So please stop interfering in my life just because you don't have anything better to do when your lovely boyfriend has enough of you." I mutter, turning to go.

"B*tch." I hear her call after me. "You are just jealous and believe me I don't give a f*ck about your pathetic life." Grace laughs. "Jealous? Of what should I be jealous?" Now it's my turn to laugh. She's one of these people who think they know everything about a person.

„Oh come on. You really think I don't see how you look at Shawn. You can't fool me with that 'I hate him so much 'attitude but I'm warning you hun, don't try something you would never succeed in. He doesn't like girls like you." She says, walking past me.

„You know what. It's hilarious what you make up in your little head. Oh and if he doesn't like girls like me then why are you always so jealous when he is near me?" I ask, grinning. She pinches her eyes at me, opening her mouth but not saying a word. "Don't I get a come back?" I ask, pouting.

„Don't try me. I swear I can make your life even more miserable than it already is." She threatens, before walking away.
"Oh my god I'm so scared." I mock, trying to contain the anger in me.

People like that just make me want to throw up. Or at least I feels like that now. I'm pretty dizzy. I shake my head, sitting back onto the stage. It's probably just because of Grace. "Rose?" "What?" I ask harshly, rubbing my forehead before looking up. "Uh... everything okey?" Geoff asks, puzzled.

„Yeah." I say. "Okey uhm... the show starts soon so we are going backstage now." He says, furrowing his eyebrows at my behavior. God can't they just leave me alone for a while? "Yeah I'm coming." I say, walking ahead. "Rose, now that you heard the songs what do you think about them." Mike questions, nudging Shawn who looks uninterested.

„They are okey." I shrug, sitting onto the stool in front of a high chair. "Looks like we have to do better tonight." He chuckles, after looking at Geoff who just gives him a confused look. They act like they know me.

It's nice that they are friendly to me but sometimes they just overdo it. Sighing, I look at my phone to see that Carter texted me.
Carter: Can we please talk? I saw the article...
Oh god. I completely forgot! Carter knows it now too. Sighing, I slap my hand onto my face. "What's wrong?" Geoff asks, looking over to me. "Nothing." I mumble, heading into the next empty room. "What do I do now? I didn't want him to know." I whisper, running a hand through my hair.

He is going to freak out or be hurt... "Rose." I hear as the door opens. "What now? Can't you all just leave me alone?" I ask, angrily. Turning around I see Shawn standing there, rolling his eyes. "How often should I tell you that I don't care about your problems until you finally get it?" He asks.

„Then what do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms. "First of all this is my dressing room and second. Grace told me how you talked to her. Don't act like the innocent one all the time." Shawn says. What? What did she tell him now?

Until My Last BreathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora