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After we woke up Lisa. We all went back to our seats. Katherine asks us "where is Lauren and Christina?" Seconds later Christina had Lauren in her hands unconscious. We all rushed up to see what happened. We all looked at Christina and she dropped Lauren blacked out. Mike ran up to them and yelled "called 911" Katherine immediately called 911. I was bawling. I asked mike what happened and he said " they either had a allergic reaction to their food or drink or they fainted. this had happened before when they before when someone put amoxycillinin there drink."

He quickly ran up and smelled there drinks and he definetly new the smell of amoxycillin.

"Is there amoxycillinin there drinks" I asked.

He nods. Seconds later two ambulances arrived and put Lauren and Christina in stretchers. Only two people were allowed to go in each ambulance. So Lisa and I went in Lauren's and Katherine went but herself in Christina's ambulance. Lisa and I were crying are eyes out as we look at the paramedic put the air mask over Lauren's face. He asked us if there allergic to amoxycillin. We both nod. He said to us that there is amoxycillin in her body which caused her to pass out and that they needed to get it out if here. I start crying even more.

We finally reached the hospital. We see Christina with the same mask on her face just like Lauren. We find Katherine crying her eyes out and we run towards her and hug her.

"Does Lauren have amoxycillin in her body, causing her to pass out." katherine says

We nod and walk into the hospital when we here "WE NEED TWO GET THESE TWO TO THE E.R NOW." by one of the doctors. We finally see the boys, dani and chloe.

3 hours later

"Lauren and Christina Cimorelli" the doctor says. Mike, Alex, Katherine, Lisa and I stand up.

"We put them both in one big room, there both sleeping now. Lucky the amoxycillin didn't get digested or else they would have been gone. You may know see them." The doctor said. We quickly walked into the room and saw them sleeping. There was 2 couches . one in between Christina and Lauren's and one near the bathroom. We all looked at them quietly and started falling asleep.

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