Learning to crawl

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for reading my book.
I feel like a lot of the chapters are useless and I just don't know what to write, and this book sucks so I'm sorry for all the useless chapters.

Thank you for reading!!

I love you all

Ok carry on💖

--Finn's pov--

2 months later. (Jaime is 7 months old)

Me, Ryder, and Jaime are all cuddle up on my bed.

Me and Ryder are watching friends, why Jaime is laying on his stomach between us watching a baby video.

All of a sudden, he starts crawling foreword. "Babe, look at Jaime!" I whisper shout.

Jaime is crawling towards the end of the bed.

We start cheering. "Grab the phone, grab the phone!" I shout to Ryder.

He grabs the phone and starts recording.

He stops and looks at us. "Hi baby, good job!" Ryder says in a baby voice, Jaime smiles.

Ryder posts the video to his Facebook and Instagram.


It's a little while later.

Me and Ryder are trying to get Jaime to crawl for my parents, Luke, and Julia.

"Come on Jaime, you can do this!" Ryder cheers, I role my eyes at him being dramatic.

"Baby, crawl for them!" I say, Jaime just looks over at me.

"Please, baby!" I say, he just lays there.

"Oh well, maybe next time. you can't force him into crawling." My mom says, were all about to turn away but then suddenly he starts crawling.

Everyone's cheering and clapping. "My grand baby is growing up, I'm so proud!" My mom wipes a tear from her eye.

I hug her. "It's ok mom." I say, she shakes her head.

"My first grand baby is already growing up, it's not fair." I chuckle.

"Don't forget about Luke and Julia!" I say, mom gasps.

"That's right, I'm gonna have more grand children to spoil!" She squeals, Luke and Julia laugh.

"Soon." Julia says and pats her stomach.

I smile at them. "I'm so excited to be an uncle!" Luke laughs.

"And Jaime is gonna be a cousin!" Ryder says.

"Aww, cousins!" Julia coos.

I squeal. "Ahhh I'm so excited!" I shout.






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