Everyone knows

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--Finn's pov--

Everyone knows.

They all know.

They all know I'm pregnant.

I walk through the halls as everyone points, laughs, and talks about me.

"I can't believe he's pregnant."

"He's a boy through!"

"I wonder who the baby daddy is?"

Stuff like that.

Ok I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let's take it back to this morning.

------rewind to this morning------

I wake up and get ready.

I walk downstairs to see my family.

"Morning, Finn." Mom says.

"Morning, bye!" They all look at me before I can leave the house.

"What's are you talking about?" Dad asks.

"Ryder is taking me to school today." Luke gives me a confused look.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I must've forgot to tell you yesterday." I said. He roles his eyes.

"Of course you did."

"Well tell him to drive safe, I love you." Mom says. I smile.

"I will mom, and I love you too." I wave.

As I'm about to open the door i turn and wave. "Bye daddy, bye lukey I love you!"

I walk out the door.

I see Ryder sitting in his car, he's staring at me.

"Hey, thanks for giving me a ride." I say.

"No need to thank me, I'm just trying to help you and my baby." He replies.

We drive off.

We arrive at school.

I get out the car and head into school, Ryder follows me.

I do the usual go to all my classes.

I start feeling a little sick so after class I head to the bathroom to puke.

------time skip to lunch------

I walk over to the table I usually sit at to see Axel and Ryder already sitting there.

I sit beside Ryder and across from Axel.

"Hey I was looking all over for you." Ryder says. I smile at him.

"Sorry I was in the bathroom throwing up." He rubs my back.

"I should've thought of going there." He says.

I suddenly feel something coming up my throat, and before I can reach the trash can in the cafeteria I puke.

The puke goes flying across, and it lands on Axel.


He shouts. "Eww what the hell man!" He stands up.

"I'm sorry it was-" he cuts me off.

"I know it's just the baby!" He shouts, realizing what he just said.

He looks around to see everyone staring over here.

He looks at me. "I'm so sorry Finn."

I hear people talking, so I get up and run out of the cafeteria.

"Finn, wait!" Axel and Ryder both shout.

I go hide in the bathroom.

They both come running in a few minutes later.

"Look Finn I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to shout it." Axel said. I sigh.

I stay silent.

"And I didn't mean to overreact like that, you're pregnant it's not your fault."

"And I'm honored to have your pregnancy throw up on me." I chuckle at his words.

I stand up and open the stall.

"You did out my pregnancy to the whole school but I do forgive you." He hugs me.

"Ok you two, it's kinda weird to hug in the bathroom." Ryder says. Axel turns his head.

"Jealous?" He asks. I laugh.

"Really?" Ryder roles his eyes.

"I'm the baby daddy aren't I?" Ryder jokingly asks.

Axel pushes me into Ryder. "Of course you are."

Ryder smiles.


We all walk out of the bathroom.

Everyone knows.

They all know.

They all know I'm pregnant.

I walk through the halls as everyone points, laughs, and talks about me.

"I can't believe he's pregnant."

"He's a boy though!"

"I wonder who the baby daddy is?"

Stuff like that.

Ryder rubs my back.

He then whispers in my ear. "It's gonna be ok."

I nod.

"I'm so sorry." Axel keeps apologizing.

Luke comes running over to us.

"Finn are you ok, everyone knows." I nod.

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired can we go home?" I ask.

"Sure." Ryder and Luke say at the same time.

I sigh.

They both look at each other.

I start walking ahead.

"Just c'mon!" I say.

"He was talking to me."

"No he was talking to me." I role my eyes.

"I was talking to both of you." I turn around and say.

I see Axel looking at the floor. "And of course Axel."

Axel looks up and smiles.

"Let's go guys."



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