➳ the story of us

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he loved her,
deeper than everyone could imagine.
he really did love her with all his heart.
that when she left him,
he fell apart.

she became his world,
his whole universe, his life.
every inch of him only sang for her.
she was his only hope,
the only reason he can't live without.

but time ruined everything they had.
challenges flashed before their eyes,
words became daggers,
actions turned bullets,
both started drowning from the toxicity of their misery.

and that one day came that ruined all of him,
she left him.
she felt tired running in circles.
she loved him but it wasn't enough.

he loved her.
he still does.
after all these years,
it's still her.

he was hoping for a chance,
to meet her again,
to make everything right this time,
and fate didn't failed him.

he longed to see her smile,
she wanted to be in his arms,
he missed her warmth,
she needed him than ever before,
he loves her to death,
she loves him unconditionally.
and that was enough
to make two hearts beat as one again.

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