➳ sweet creature

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180515 23:25


all of her imperfections
killed her slowly.
she was a mess,
she was ripped in every edges.
no one knew, 
no one even noticed,
no one felt her pain 
because of her mask. 
she was silently suffering, 
begging for her inner demons to stop,
but the knives dig deeper 
everytime she cries.
she fought the battle alone
following the voices inside her head
for she believed that,
if she could tame them, 
they'll leave her.
but little sweet creature,
you are your own masterpiece.
every scars and flaws
all made you a wander.
every inch of you
screams perfection
no matter how
scarred you might be, 
because it's you.
listen to no one. 
wipe those tears away. 
lift your chin up 
and remember this:
you're the center of your own universe.
you're the Queen of your life.
you're beautiful.

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