Chapter 10

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When I awoke, I quietly got up quickly, and walked to the door of his home, he was still sleeping on his bed, hugging the blankets close to him, his face turned up at the ceiling that was starting to mold, this place was worse then being outdoors, it was dirty in here and there was no way I was staying here with him.

I didn't understand why he kept it in this state, especially when he was so full of himself and his magic.

I'll leave my body, I don't need it, it's broken and he's only going to use it for himself, I'm starting to like the idea of being a giant immortal tiger...Or at least I think I am.

Crazy I know but after so much I've been through and how long I've been like this, I honestly don't remember how it feels like to walk on two legs, or use my hands, I have a tail, and four large paws with razor sharp claws, and I have whiskers along with sharp teeth, that's what I had now, and that's what is making me feel like I belong like this now, i didn't want to be human, I loved the feeling of being free, there were no rules and nothing stopping me.

Only the man lying in the couch who wants me for his own needs.

I went to push open the door, only to end up walking into a invisible force field, it didn't hurt me it just felt like I had walked into a wall.

I growled quietly to myself, stupid witch man.

I'm going to get away weather I die trying, this was ridiculous.  I heard a chuckle from where Chad had been sleeping, I sighed in defeat and let my head drop down flattening my ears to my head, act like I like him and do what he wants and when he starts trusting me, I'll.....?

I don't know run away? But he'll catch me again, and he won't give up till he catches me, I could kill him. I shook my head of that thought, that was ridiculous, I wasn't a murderer, ya I did kill animals and threaten hunters but that was not killing a human and well the animals.

Well they were just animals, and that means they are the prey to me as I am the predator to them. I had no choice even though I regret killing them, I guess it's just the strange food cycle a cycle of life, well known to the world of animasl and even some plants.

I have to stop thinking, he's probably reading my thoughts. I growled then turned to him with my new found pride, I walked up to him slowly.

My tail swaying swiftly around touching chairs and tables and what ever else as I passed.

I sat on my butt as I was now face to face with him. feeling a funny pain in my right back leg, completely forgetting about the wound I had gotten, though there was no blood, that I knew of because almost my entire body was covered in mud.

'What are we supposed to do now? You have me, and well, I don't know.' I said. What was I supposed to do? I was a animal, and basically locked in this shack with a crazed witch.

He cleared his throat eyeing me wearily. "I heard that thought about you being locked up and me." He said standing up. I didn't realize but he was shirtless.

For a wizard he was ripped and my age or around, but maybe it was a spell. He could be a old man for all I know. A shudder ran down my back, a shudder of disgust. He chuckled at my thoughts. Did he not hear the previous one's? I would have thought he'd do something.

Maybe he is, and he is just hiding it and acting as if I didn't think of anything, that way he can be on more alert. 

Oh my god I'm confusing myself. I wish I could talk like a real human again, that's one thing I miss.

"Well, I need to work on some new spells. If you want to watch then you can." He said. Great, this should be so fun. I thought sarcastically to myself. 

He walked to a table with different powders and liquids, with a few leafy like things. 

He started to grab a bunch of leafs and put them into a small bowl then he mashed them up, then he added this black liquid stuff, it looked more like goo, and it was thick. 

It plopped into the bowl along with a crystal like substance. It smelled like...roses? I watched amazed at how fast he did this, he really knew what he was doing. 

He grabbed a wooden spoon and stirred gently, whispering some strange words, then he grabbed what looked like sand, and blew some out of his hand and over the bowl.

I stared shocked at what just happened, the bowl started to sparkle and then light up. Then magically 12 different butterflies came flying out. Butterflies I had never seen. One landed on my snout, I stared awe struck at it.

It had glowing, sparkling wings that were like a lime green, they had floral like designs on the wings in pink. 

'Oh my gosh. This is amazing.' I said to him.

I looked up in time to see him staring at me with wonder written in his eye's.

"Did you know, every insect and bird to fish to the largest animal was created by a witch or wizard, we work with mother nature, Kenna, there are the bad witches and the good ones,  I don't know which one I am, maybe I'm stuck in between. But either way I still have a heart and if you got to know me life would be less complicated for you." He whispered.

My jaw went slack as I stared at him. Did he really just say that?

'I think your more crueler then you are letting on to me. Your just trying to get me to trust you so I'll do things for you. Guess what Dumbledore, it's not working.' I said. He winced and looked away with a clench jaw. 

The butterfly flew off my snout and into the air with the other colorful ones. Suddenly they burst into flames. I jumped in surprise.

What's happening? 

I turned just in time to see Chad with his eye's looking like they were on fire, his hand raised and he slapped me across the face. I flung back by the impact into a wall, it shook but didn't crumble which was strange, it should have with that impact and the age of this place. Especially for a weak wall like this.

The slap didn't hurt but it did catch me off guard.

"How dare you speak to me like that. Who do you think you are?" He screeched. I growled in warning if he came near me.

"I am Kenna, that's who I KNOW I am, not some slave, that was almost brutally murdered and brought back to life by some crazed wizard, I don't care I will run my life, not YOU it will be ME who runs my life." I gritted out in my head with a roar. I had to control myself.

"If it weren't for me you would be dead, besides, I'm the one with your body, and willing to repair it." He said, grabbing a empty tube and smashing it above my head against the wall.

The glass shattered and lightly fell not enough to hurt me though.

That's it, I thought. Then I lunged. Before he could get a reaction out of himself, he was too blinded by fury.


Read Human Killer the story I just finished I like it lol and you may to it's defintly better then this story lol





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