Chapter 8

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The swampy area seemed to be getting worse as my feet started sinking a bit into the wet mud. Keeping my tail high up from dragging, and always looking around at my surroundings, I found myself in a very different location of the tropical forest.

There were different types of shrubs growing from the mud, a few scattered trees hung low with their strange viney leaves, a bunch of fallen over trees. The mud was thick and getting more wet and mushy. There was the odd pool of water that didn't look to promising with all the strange mossy leaves in it.

I swore I saw something move over there, swimming my way slowly. I'll be able to see it once it gets through the mud, moving away from the watery edge I found myself knee deep in mud and starting to struggle.

I was so tired, and exhausted that my body threatened to give in any second to a deep sleep, a much needed sleep.

Stumbling through the thickness of the mud, I continued quickly so that I could rest in a dry place.  Something splashed a good feet away from me, making me freeze in mid-step. Turning around to what ever was behind me, I saw a giant brown lump under the mud floating towards me. Or swimming?

Please don't be a crocodile. I chanted in my head. By now I started running, or hopping through the mud hurrying as much as I could.

My breathing picking up from the lack of energy I had left in me. I was in the middle of no where, which means no where to get away only more mud.

Panicking I searched every where to find a safe place to get away from these dangers.

Nothing. Only a turtle sliding into the mud from a log.

Another splash had me running faster as much as my body would allow me to. I stopped as soon as I saw a big bubble pop a foot away from me, before a giant alligator popped up mouth open filled with teeth. A surprised yelp made its way to being known.

I think a alligator is worse then a crocodile, because of the size difference. My heart was thumping deep in my chest as the alligator lunged at me. Ducking just in time as a second one that must have been the one behind me made itself finally known.

Both missing me landing into each other. Jaws and growls were deafening, at least they were distracted from me. Making a few more lunges into the mud. I didn't get very far as I got stuck into a hidden mud hole. I started sinking coming up to my neck, as the noises got quieter and splashing was coming to me.

Oh please no. Turning my head, I saw the giant creatures swimming through the thick mud easily, as if nothing in the world mattered to them but getting to me.

Thrashing my claws to get out of the mud only made me sink a bit deeper. I was so tired nothing felt like it mattered anymore.

The alligators were moving quickly to me, making my heart feel like it ripped out from my chest.

A growl made me jump slightly as the first one neared me opening it's jaws. A low and threatening growl made its way back towards it. It was starting to become a growling competition, it growled, I growled as it got closer.

There wasn't much I could do as it neared me, I was stuck in this mud hole, with no way out, my feet were like glue.

The first alligator made a lunge towards me, I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to hit me.

Nothing. I waited again to afraid to open them to see death waiting for me to open them. But still nothing.

Daring myself to open I saw the alligators in mid air, with a orb blue color surrounding them. I drew in a ragged breath like a gasp. 

Finding the source sitting up on a low branch watching me was my worst nightmare.

 His messy brown hair everywhere, and his dark black eye's glowed with warning. I gulped, wanting to crouch in fear from this man. I knew he would find me eventually, I just didn't know when he would.

"Nice to see you again Kenna. What a wonderfull surprise it is to be running into you once again." He said with sarcasm.  I growled warning him. He shook his head with a forced smile on his face.

"Let me get rid of these useless pesks, then we will be on are way home." He stated.

I watched as they disappeared in thin air. I gaped at the spot they just left, or should I say disappeared in. I felt heavy and I was exhuasted, which seems to be impossible since I became a tiger, I haven't been very tired or weak lately.

I felt a hand grab the fur of my neck and pull me up just a tiny bit. I looked up into Chads black eye's. Before the scene around me disappeared, and we were standing on solid ground. I sunk to the ground breathing heavy. At least every part of me was covered in mud.

Chad stood there looking tired, he was a bit pale too.

"From here we walk. I can't use my powers anymore, because they are very badly drained, like my energy. Trying to find YOU." He accused.

Looking at him with a hateful glare I took a step backwards as soon as I crawled back up onto all fours, recovering. I growled menacingly at him.

'Why do we suddenly have to walk, I thought you were a wizard and can make us transport, or what ever you call it back to where your taking me.' I thought to him. He smiled slightly.

"Because I am weak and used almost what ever I have left of my powers. And by walking for a bit will help me let my powers rest." He said, then quickly, he grind-ed his teeth together as he said a strange mix of words.

Then magically, a large, glowing, blue chain appeared on my neck, like a leash as he held it, and started walking, at first I resisted, but a sudden strange pull made me continue, it was a invincible one, it wouldn't break when ever I tugged against it, unlike the cage I had been in that same day, tearing through the cage was easier then pulling against this collar and leash.

Every time I'd resist, or tried getting away from him, I'd get a rather excruciating pain shoot through me, which was apparently from the magic of the chain Chad had conquered up.

With no choice but to follow behind him. My tail lay in between my legs, dragging slightly. My ears were flat, and my eye's started to fall slowly as I walked.

It started raining as we walk through tree's and vines. The odd time I got stuck in them, and couldn't fight out of it. Chad kept getting annoyed with me and had no choice but to help. I was still covered in mud from the neck down, it made my orange fur heavy and gross looking, the rain was washing it away slowly but it was still to thick to do much of a wash.

I was too weak to help myself.

After about an hour of walking for what seemed like forever, in a long time of eternity. I tripped over a stump carelessly, falling down, and just laying there. A large pain made me arch my back as I feline kind of yelp came from me, but I still couldn't move.

It felt like I had died all over again.

The pain seized and Chad came walking back towards me. Kicking me in the stomach I yelped, then laid there not caring.

"Apparently, we are going to rest here for the rest of the night." He muttered. Then everything seemed to become fuzzy and my mind went into it's dreamless little heaven as my body relaxed for the time being.







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