10 Years Later

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-Third Person P.O.V-

"Scarlet! Where's your sister?!" Ursa calls upstairs
"I'm right here Mommy!" Stella says behind her
"Where's Daddy?" Tyler, Stella's twin, asks
"Daddy is being a mommy today." Star says picking him up, "Now come on, we're going to be late." They get in the car and drive to Lizzie and Joel's house.
"Finally!" Ari says opening the door
"Good to see you too." Ursa says
"Hey you guys made it!" Lizzie says
"Amy! Tyler and Stella are here!" Ari calls, Amy comes running to the door
"So what's been going on with you guys?" Jesse asks as they sit down
"Nothing much." Star says, "Scarlet's starting fifth grade. Stella and Tyler are starting first."
"How's Taylor?" Ursa asks
"Taylor's doing fine." Jesse says, "She's pretty excited."
"You get over it once they're actually born." Star jokes, "Naw, the kids are great. Except for at night."
"We're here!" Joey calls from the door way
"The kings of destruction are here!" Daniel says walking into the living room
"Joey! Daniel!" Scarlet says running to hug them
"We're alive!" Lauren say walking in
"Hello!" Shelby says in her high-pitch voice
"Ow, my ears." Bobby says
"Auntie Laurie!" Amy says running up to Lauren
"How's my favorite little nugget?" Lauren asks scooping her up
"What about me?!" Stella asks
"You're my favorite." Shelby says
"And Tyler is mine." Callum says rustling his hair. The rest of the Forms arrived. They still haven't fallen yet.

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