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I just finished my last final of the semester and I was more than ready to go home to California. All I wanted was to see my mom and be away from this place. After Kain left me that day in the forest I haven't seen or heard from him. He took my advice of not pushing away our friends, so they've kept in touch with him. They tell me what he's up to, how he's doing. He told James everything and to say he was pissed would be an understatement. He is incredibly infuriated that Kain plans on leaving. Jesse and Wayne are under the impression that that's why Kain and I 'broke up.' They believe it's because he's moving away. Luna has been by my side every step of the way, being my crutch.

Despite what Kain wanted me to do for the both of us, I haven't gone to see Alexander. I can't just run back to him after Kain all but makes my decision for me. I don't want him to feel like he is my back up, like he's my second choice. I've had a lot of time to think about what Kain said to me and I know he is right, I knew he was right the moment he told me I just didn't want to believe it. I'm in love with Alexander; I have a daughter with him. Neither of which are like Kain and I: reincarnated souls. I could never leave them behind; I love them far too much to do so.

Maybe I knew it was Alexander all along, but when you're in love with two people it's hard to really decipher your true feelings. I wonder what people who aren't reincarnated souls do when they're in my situation. They can't just chose someone based on the fact that you might meet the other one in another life...

"Hey Charlie!" A voice yells. I turn to see Luna running towards me.

"What's up?" I greet her with a small smile.

She falls in step with me. "Want to come with me to dinner?"

I give her a look, "Oh please I know it's not just going to be you. Don't think I suddenly forgot it was your dad's birthday."

"Fine, fine," she rolls her eyes. "It was worth a try. You really should talk to him," she says. I shake my head. "It's what Kain wants," she tries again.

I halt in my step. We don't really talk about Kain anymore because she knows it upsets me. She turns to see me stopped. "I'm sorry Charlie, but you know it's true. I know you want to be with my dad, so what's stopping you?" He gave up on me.

I start walking again, right past her. She rushes to catch up with me, "Okay I'm sorry forget I said anything."

While Luna is out to dinner I start packing up all of my things. I want to be on my way, first thing tomorrow morning. I had rented a car to go back so I could leave on my own time and be alone for the ride.

Just as I finish emptying my closet there's a knock at the door. I wonder who that is...

I pull open the door and standing in front of me is Alexander... holding my memory journal. Wait I had that hidden in my drawer for months... How does he have it?

I stare at the book in his hand with wide eyes before darting up to meet my favorite ocean blue eyes. "Alexander?" I gasp.

"I'm not."

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"The last time we spoke you asked me if I was giving up on us. I'm not," he explains with a look of pure determination on his face.

"What?" I repeat.

"You love me," his eyes shine with adoration as he states what I thought was an obvious truth.

I'm still confused, but my lips twitch into a smile. "I do," I confirm.

He smiles so brightly at me that I let out a small gasp. "Luna told me everything."

"She did what?" I squeak.

He chuckles lightly at my stunned expression. "She told me all about how she found your journal and you confessed your secret, she told me how you wanted to give me your journal and the letter for Christmas but saw me in the café..." he frowns slightly in apology, "and she told me how much you love me," he confesses.


He is smiling again. "Isn't it obvious? She wants her parents together. She wants us to be happy Charlotte."

"You're not mad?" I ask hesitantly.

"Of course not. I mean I was shocked when she told me, but she assured me you wouldn't have told her if she hadn't found the journal," he answers sincerely.

"Wow, but what about you telling me I had to be with Kain to figure out my feelings?" I have to ask.

"Charlotte—" He hesitates, "I know Kain is Garrett."

My eyes widen in shock, "What? How? Is this why you were so worried I'd leave?" Luna and I had been right... I just didn't know he knew it was Kain.

"That was why I was worried, yes. It was hard enough seeing this boy your age falling for you and knowing you liked him as well, but knowing he was also the first man you ever feel in love with unnerved me to no end," he explains.

"But I had told you before that I wasn't in love with him, just you. Alex you're the one that pushed me to him, by pushing me away from you," I tell him and he frowns.

"I know and I regret it, you have no idea how much I regret it," he admits.

I sigh, "But how did you find out?"

He rubs a hand over his face before answering; "Kain was in my history class last year. One day after class ended, he rushed out and dropped a notebook. I picked it up thinking I could just give it back to him the next class, but the word 'Memories' written on the front of the book shocked me. I couldn't help myself, I knew it was wrong but I flipped to the first page. It was a memory from Garrett's point of view on how he met Elizabeth."

How could Kain have been so careless? Besides the slip with Luna I guarded my journal with my life. (Not counting Luna stealing it to give to Alexander.) Most people wouldn't understand it if they read it, but I wouldn't share it with just anyone.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as Alex starts speaking again. "I was in shock and denial for a while, until I met you. When I started seeing Kain around you, interacting with you I knew it was true. That's why I was so scared. I didn't and I still don't want to lose you Charlotte. I realize now that I need to fight for you. For us."

I gape at him, "Alex—"

He cuts me off, "There's more." I raise my eyebrows and nod for him to go on. What else could he possible tell me? "Kain came to see me a couple of months ago." Well shit.

"He told me who he was and I explained to him how I already knew. He then asked me all about us and how I felt about you. He just listened as I told him all about our time together. When I finished telling him how much I loved you he told me he wanted us to be together. I was shocked, but he assured me that he couldn't stand in the way of two people who love each other the way we do, even if he loves you just as much."

I gap at his confession, which must have been the week he went missing. Right before he set me free...

"I waited Charlotte. I waited for you to come back to me, but when you didn't I figured it was him you wanted. I thought maybe you were too hurt by him that you didn't want me. But then I read your letter and your journal and I realized that couldn't possibly be true because you love me. Why didn't you come back Charlotte?" He asks with a look of look of genuine puzzlement.

I frown. "I thought you gave up on us Alex. I didn't want to run back to you the moment Kain told me to, I didn't want you to feel like a second choice. I guess what I really wanted was for you to come back to me," I admit.

"Well I'm sorry it took me so long," he laughs and I join him. "I'm not letting you go this time Charlotte and that's a promise. I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he tells me, his eyes glowing with hope, hope for our future.

"I want that too Alex, I love you," I smile sweetly at him.

His ocean eyes are overflowing with love. "I love you too Charlotte and that's why I want you to marry me."

"What?" I cough out in disbelief.

"Marry me Charlotte O'Heir."    

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