Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"What! How? He never said anything! How do you know?" There's no way... he would have told me... right? But I didn't know about that then, so maybe he thought I'd think he was crazy! But I saw him when I was Joanna... I told him everything...

"Calm down sis. He confessed everything to me back when he was in jail. I visited him a lot for you, well after you asked me to stop visiting. I wanted to see how he was doing. And one day he broke down and told me everything. How he was shocked to hear you tell your story. The same story he's kept hidden for centuries.

"He told me not to tell you during this life. He said that I had to find you in your next life to tell you because you were not in the right state of mind to know yet. Especially since Garrett was still alive in jail and you alive in an asylum. It would've done you no good knowing then. So I tried finding you years after you passed but had no luck, so I had hoped you would find me instead. It took very long, but hey at least you made it."

Her words shock me to the core. I wasn't alone. Garrett was like me. Garrett was out there somewhere... Oh my god Garrett is alive!

"Gail have you been in contact with him? Have you seen him again? I need to find him, how am I supposed to find him?" The words tumble out of my mouth.

Gail reaches over and pats my hand with hers. I don't miss the shaking as she leaves her hand on mine. "Slow down girly. I haven't been in contact with him too recently, but last I heard from him his name was Philip Baxter. He came to see me to see if I had heard from you yet. I got to say he was quite upset to hear that you hadn't come to me yet, but I assured him that you would. It was my sister we were talking about. I know you. I knew you'd come."

I cannot believe what I'm hearing. I mean the thought had passed my mind before that maybe I'm not the only reincarnated soul who can remember my past lives, but I never thought I would actually find someone else. Garrett was alive. He was looking for me.

"Gail do you remember when he visited you? I need more information if I want to find him."

Her forehead scrunches up, as she looks deep in thought. "I may still have a decent memory, but things blur together. It was before I entered this nursing home, he visited my home."

"How long have you been here?"

"Oh goodness I think it's been about five years now." Okay so he visited her sometime before five years ago...

"How long before you came here did he visit?" I press.

She lets out another throaty laugh that turns into a cough. "I should've known you'd interrogate me as soon as I told you. God sister if only you had visited me years ago when my memory wasn't starting to go. I'm so sorry, but I cannot remember. Like I said the years have blurred together."

I let out a sigh of defeat and she gives me a sad smile, patting my hand again. "It's okay Gail. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I've been a bad sister, I should have visited you a long time ago."

"Don't beat yourself up, I'm just glad I got to see you."

After that we talk about anything and everything for hours before a nurse walks in and lets me know visiting hours are coming to an end. I check the time and realize my flight was in less than two hours.

"I have to get going anyway, I've got a flight to catch," I tell Gail as I stand.

"Didn't you just fly in this morning?"

"Yeah, but I think you forget I'm only eighteen in this life. I can't even check into most hotels," I laugh and she grins, shaking her head. "Besides I have to get ready to go back to school in a few days."

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