Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

It has been a few weeks since I found out that Kain is Garrett and he has yet to tell me himself. I try to drop hints to get him to tell me, but he won't budge. I'm not even really sure why exactly I want him to tell me so bad, but I don't like that he's keeping it from me. What is with everyone keeping things from me? Like Alexander apparently knowing Garrett was still alive... I wonder how he knew... Or maybe he didn't and Luna and I just jumped to conclusions.

Speaking of Luna I haven't told her my discovery. When she questioned me that night I lied and told her that I had told my mom about Garrett and was feeling weird about it. I don't think she really bought my lie, but she didn't push me. I don't want to hurt her and if she already thinks I'd choose Garrett over her dad she will not be happy to know who Kain really is...

Valentine's Day is in three days, which also means mine, and Luna's birthdays are in five. I think James and Jesse are throwing us a surprise party; I'm not positive, but James has been extra giddy after learning we have the same birthday. I've been meaning to confront James about knowing my secret but I'm not sure if he'll go to Kain and tell him I know. I trust him, but he's been Kain's best friend for years.

"Charlotte!" My body freezes at the voice calling me. I hadn't heard it since that day outside my geography classroom. I stop walking, but I don't turn. I debate continuing on to the café and pretending I didn't hear him.

A hand grabs my shoulder and I instantly tense. I take a deep breath and slowly turn around. Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact, I chant to myself. "Can I help you Mr. Johnson?"

I'm looking towards his chest and I can see him tense at my words. "Would you stop calling me that when it's just the two of us?"

I can't help, but look into his eyes as I send him a harsh glare. He frowns at the look on my face. "What do you want Mr. Johnson?" I ignore his request, which has him frowning further.

He rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably, "I—um I wanted to know if you had any suggestions on what to get Luna for her birthday?"

I sigh, putting aside my differences to help him for the sake of our daughter. "She's been talking about wanting a new camera." I thought about getting her one, but she told me it was too much that she'd actually like another scrapbook like the one I got her for Christmas. She was so excited and filled it in just a few days, but she wants another one to capture her memories of her first year of college. She had gotten me a new journal since mine was full; it was nice having her know my secret. It really brought us closer together.

"A new camera, huh..." Alexander ponders drawing me from my thoughts of Luna. "Would you mind coming with me? To pick one out, I don't know much about that stuff and well you obviously do since you like photography as well..." He rambles nervously.

I chuckle humorlessly, "Alexander your new girlfriend is a photography professor, take her." I don't even care how bitter I sound.

I try to keep a straight face as his ocean eyes fill with hurt. "She's not my girlfriend," he mutters.

"Could have fooled me. I watched you two kiss in the café remember?" I scoff.

"Doesn't mean she's my girlfriend, we've just been hanging out. I don't think I could handle a real relationship right now. Not after you," his words are sincere and that's what makes this all the more frustrating.

"Alexander. I will say this one more time. You ended things with me. Not the other way around so if you could stop playing the victim it would be very much appreciated." The more anger I felt, the more upset he looked and it was messing with my head.

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