Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I slip into my combat boots and grab my raincoat before following Luna out of our room. We were heading to the club that Kain had wanted me to go to for months. I was actually excited since this was my first time and everyone else was raving about it.

Kain and James were already there so Wayne picked up Jesse, Luna, and I. I asked Wayne why they left before us and he just told me 'you'll see,' whatever that means. We arrive around nine, luckily you just had to be eighteen or older at this club so we had no trouble getting in.

I take a look around as we walk in; it's two levels, the second level being more of a balcony. It's not the kind of club I was imagining; you know the ones with flashing lights, loud music, and people grinding on each other. There was music playing softly, people of all ages scattered around chatting and sipping at drinks. There was a stage in the front and a large bar in the back, with tables and booths scattered around the floor. I spot James in a booth near the stage; he catches my eye and waves us over.

"Where's Kain?" I ask as we approach James.

"He'll join us soon, he has to do something first," his lips twitch when I give him a questioning look.

I scoot in beside him; the booth was rounded so it faced the stage. I watch as an older man in a full tuxedo walked up to the microphone on stage, "Welcome to Goodbye Blues Nightclub!" The crowd lets out some cheers. "Tonight we have one of your favorite combinations of performers, please allow me to introduce Jasmine Miller on vocals, Harold Young on saxophone, and Kain Keller on piano." The crowd cheers some more as the three take stage.

I'm sitting in shock as I see Kain take a seat at the piano also wearing a tuxedo, with his hair gelled back. I look at James with wide eyes and he lets out a loud laugh at my reaction. The performers immediately start into a jazz rendition of Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.

They're really good, but I can't keep my gaze off of Kain as I watch his fingers glide effortlessly over the piano keys. He seems as talented as Garrett... I shake my head as I continue to watch in a daze. I can hear the others having a conversation, but my eyes are glued to the stage. I can't look away.

They stop playing after a few songs and the singer announces that Kain will be playing a solo song as they take a quick break. Kain lifts his head away from the piano for the first time and glances to the crowd. He looks right at me and gives me a small smile before looking away to begin playing.

As soon as his fingers hit the first keys I'm spiraling into a memory.


"Any requests for tonight?" Garrett asks me as we approach the small club he performed at occasionally.

"You know which one," I tell him.

"Why do you like Carolina Shout so much?" He asks curiously.

I grab his hand and kiss the back of it. "These hands are very talented. That piece just shows off to everyone else how talented you are. Besides I know how much you idolize James P. Johnson so you've given me a great appreciation for his music."

"Hmm so you want me to show off?" He gives me an amused smile.

"Of course, my man should be a star with his talents," I praise him.

He squeezes my hands and we make our way inside, the place was already crowded with people. I stay in the back as Garrett makes his way to the piano on stage. The people here love him and it's always so nice to witness. I know it's his dream to go around the country performing for people, so him having this little piece of that dream warms my heart.

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