Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

It's been a tough few weeks avoiding and being avoided. I have my last exam tomorrow morning before break, which was for history. I'm just so relieved to be done with this semester; I don't have to worry about having class with Alexander after tomorrow. Surprisingly I've been the one avoiding him lately, he's been trying to talk to me, but I keep brushing him off. He keeps thinking I'm going to go behind his back and tell Luna the truth. Why? I have no idea, but it makes me even angrier with him that he doesn't trust me.

I've tried talking to Kain, but he wants nothing to do with me. James has been the only one really talking to me the last few weeks. He told me to just give Kain time. Kain had told James everything, but he didn't judge me. He told me that you can't help who you fall in love with. But then he did proceed to make fun of me for falling for my professor who was also Luna's dad. After James started talking to me, Kain got angry and started avoiding us both. James thinks he's a drama queen. It was nice having someone to talk to and he let me vent. We have gotten really close and I feel bad, like I took him from Kain when Kain needed someone, but James insists that it's not like that. He insists that Kain is just stubborn and will break soon.

Luna and I haven't talked since the day I went to Wayne's, but she isn't as obvious as Kain when she tries avoiding me. She'll always give me a small smile and then look or walk away. I shouldn't say Kain had no one after James came to me, because him and Luna have gotten really close. I can't help the envy I felt when I walked into our café with James one day and saw the two of them talking at our table. James and I left before they saw us, but I knew he could tell how upset it made me.

As for Jesse and Wayne, they now know the whole story and I could tell they were conflicted about what to think or do. I felt awful knowing I broke up our small friend group that grew so close the past few months. Wayne has stuck by Luna for obvious reasons, but he always shoots me sympathetic looks when he sees me. Jesse and James got in an argument when he found out what happened since he was the last to know. James made him hear my side of things since Kain was the one to tell him and when he heard that I loved Alex he softened a little, but told me he felt bad for Luna and Kain.

I should have been studying for my last final, but I couldn't help myself when I spotted my memory journal. I wanted to reminisce on times of Alexis when life wasn't this complicated. I sigh as I put it down; I'm supposed to meet James and Jesse for dinner. It was the last time we'd see each other until after break. Since they had their last finals today, they would be leaving while I took my last final tomorrow.

I enter the restaurant that I hadn't gone to in over a month with a feeling of discontent. I think James chose this particular restaurant because he likes messing with me as much as I like messing with him. I had told him about our weekly dinners here and he insisted we keep the tradition going even though it wasn't actually my tradition to continue. It's Monday night and I just know Luna and Alexander will be here like they always are, which makes me feel that much more uncomfortable.

I spot James and Jesse and head towards their table, whilst doing a quick scan of the restaurant. As soon as I see Luna and Alexander my stomach churns. It does make me feel slightly better that our table isn't near theirs and they look like they're almost finished eating. Jesse sees me first and notices my glances to their table across the room. He gives me a concerned look and motions for me to come sit down.

I sit down across from the duo and the looks of pity they give me get under my skin. "Would you two stop. I'm fine, really."

"Are you Charlie? Are you really fine?" James narrows his eyes at me, trying to get me to crack.

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