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Hey readers :)

I'm just wanted to tell you that, did you like it so far? I hope so!

And please vote fast just vote it right here if you can help me. You vote, you'll save my happiness of moving on the boy that I liked :')

Anyway, I'm sorry. I'm sorry the story is a little bit ridicilous and I know there's something difference in here.

I'm doing that because you will thought that "the story is like this and this and that" just remember, It'll be fun story. I promise.

And I don't know any places in London or Paris. I just made the places all up. Except for the Forbiden planet, Harry potter studios, Edinburgh park (the park that katy and jeremy hang out) and museum. If I offended you, some people and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I think London is a cool place and a lot of histories ;)

Please follow me and I'll follow you back. And comment if you wanted to say something and vote. If you share this on the internet or your website, I'm so thankful for you.

Since you've been reading this, I'd like you to answer my simple question.

1. Who is your favorite singer/band?

You'll answer in the comment so, just ANSWER PLEASE :) that's all I need to say right now and bye <3

Instagram: Jeremyshadaa


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