Chapter Three

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With a red flush on my cheeks from the little incident this morning, I typed on the worn keyboard of my computer. This piece of junk was missing some letter and command keys, making it hard to type. In between the spaces of each key, someone had drawn lines and hashtags with a pencil... How immature. This is a high school we're in, which means acting like a child is no longer tolerated.

    My eyes darted from the screen to the keyboard occasionally, typing out information for my four-page essay. Personally, I like essays but I'll never admit it to anyone. I have to like what everyone else likes, as to not stand out. If someone noticed me, I might as well be considered a dead man.

    As I was thrown into a daze, mindlessly typing on my keyboard, I began to think about Cooper. That bastard was really ignorant this morning. I mean, squabbling like a chicken about how his friends were plastered at a college graduation party... Repugnant. The way his rusty bronze hair was messy and how faded eyebags rested under bright blue pearls, I could tell he was up late drinking 'til sunrise. Though, wouldn't he have a hangover? That's what alcohol does to people, right?

    I blinked a few times and refocused on my computer screen. My fingers were moving over the keys before me, blankly writing out a flurry of the word, "Cooper." My hands raised from my keyboard and quickly moved over to the delete key. When I can't see him I don't feel anything, shifting back to my apathetic self I was before I met him. Now, whenever I see him I feel a whole whirlwind of emotion well up in my chest.

    I waited until the clock struck four on the dot, when the bell usually rang. Once the small hand clicked to four, I heard the bell go off with a high pitched chime. I shuffled out of my seat, not bothering to turn off my music since it'll mute anyways. I closed my windows and shut the computer down. Today, we were taking Olive to the vet, just to get her annual shots. I'm rather eager to leave because I get to see all of the ill pets being taken care of and treated.

    I unplugged my headphones and grabbed the backpack that sat next to my chair. Slinging the filled bag over my shoulder, I strolled to the door and merged with the rush of clashing bodies and yelling from impatient students. Once I broke free from the chaos, I walked to the back exit and pushed the large clear door open. My bike was here somewhere, I swear I locked it to a bike rack..

Ah, there it is. It was the neon teal bicycle with three locks attaching it to the black railing. I dashed over to it and hurriedly climbed onto it. I had the key to the locks in my backpack so I spent the next two minutes trying to fish it out of the books and folders.


    My head snapped over to the source of the voice, only to see Cooper sprinting over to me. I looked back down to my backpack and stuffed my hand in between my binders... Come on, find it before he gets to me! I glanced back to check where he was, but instead I was greeted by a Cooper that stood right next to me.

I yelped, flinching backwards and falling off of my bike. My elbows took most of the damage, scraping against the blacktop and chipping the skin. He started to chortle and helped pull me from the ground. I looked over to check if my backpack was okay, which it was. The folders and everything stayed inside of the open zipper, the only thing sliding out was a familiar golden key.

    "Why are you in such a hurry?" Cooper cackled, a smirk daring to crack by the corner of his lips. I scoffed, trying to ignore how my heart raced at the mere sound of his voice. A soft sigh followed. "Sorry," he whispered, "for making you cry. I didn't mean to say anything offensive." He lowered his head in shame. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

    Brushing the rubble from my clothes, I stepped back and shuddered. It's not cold in the slightest, rather scorching hot because of the early summer. Then, why am I shivering? My breath hitched, eyes lowering to the ground to gaze upon my awkwardly placed feet. I was feeling... Content? I felt a smile raise my facial cheeks. I really haven't smiled in years either. "No. You're fine." I replied in a shy mutter.

    "W-Woah, you're smiling!" he gasped, kneeling down to get a better view of my twinkle. His eyes peered up through his light eyelashes, pupils contracting in the golden afternoon sunlight. I shot him a playful sneer as he stood once again. My eyes were trained on his, smiles decorating both of our faces.

    Then, I felt an irresistible urge well up in my abdomen, constricting my chest and causing me to bite back a grin. Then, it burst. I let out a belly laugh, eyes closing gleefully and mouth hanging open. Last time I laughed was when my mom tickled me at age thirteen. I remember pushing her away weakly, telling her that I wasn't a child anymore. She just gave me soft, motherly eyes and told me, "You'll always be my baby boy, no matter how old you get."

    Once my fit of laughter subsided, I looked up to Cooper and apologized profusely. Instead of forgiving me, he waved it off and fought a large beam. "Man, your laugh is adorable... Oh, oh! I wanted to tell you that I was invited to a meetup at Kaleb's house. You wanna go? He said that it starts at six and ends at one in the morning. I spoke of you and he sounded really excited to meet you! He's my best friend." Cooper... He just invited me to a so-called "meetup" which is obviously not my thing, same situation with parties. Too loud and crazy.

    "Pleaaase?" he pressed. I looked down to where my backpack was and dug out my phone. Switching it on, I found that it was only four-thirty. I'll have at least... What, two hours? But what about going to the vet and taking care of Olive? Maybe I can squeeze them both into my schedule. I can tell if I go to this meetup, I'll make Cooper happy. But I love Olive, she's my companion in everything at home..
    "Fine... I'll be there at six-thirty. I have to take my cat to the vet first." I sighed softly, digging out a sticky note block and a loose pen from my backpack. Jotting the sloppy sequence of ten numbers down, I tore the single sticky note off of the block and handed it to Cooper. He pumped his fist in the air and gladly took the note from my hand.

    "Yes!" he cheered, "then I'll definitely see you at half past six! Text you at five, okay?"

    I turned around to hide my face from him. For once, I allowed a fluttery feeling to swim in my stomach. I replied, "Sure."


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