Chapter Nineteen

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I simply gave his father scrutiny, searching for what I'd done for him to despise me so much. I then peered over to Percy, who had fallen asleep on the couch with an open mouth and scruffy beard of stubble... Now that I think of Percy, I come to realize that he's more like his father than Cooper.

Maybe he got the MPD from his dad..? If that's the case, then this might be his 'other side,' or so to speak. His father looked as if he were internally raging with fire-heated eyes and a mouth bared to show straight white teeth. Perry had placed a calming hand on his shoulder and rubbed the clothing under it.

"Now Charles... Let's not become Charlie." she murmured, almost as if she were trying to calm a baby from a temper tantrum. She suddenly stood and gently pulled him up from the seat. "It's getting late and you still have work tomorrow." she announced.

"It was very nice seeing you, love. I hope to see you again, darlin'." She gently ushered the seething man to the door and waved him a friendly goodbye as he stomped out of the household. She shut the front door and made sure to lock it from the inside.

"All right! I think I'll call it a night for now... I'll wake Perc up, you just head on upstairs to Coop. We both know very well that he wants your company." She winked and turned to Percy, who was out like a light. He didn't move an inch as he lightly snored the time away.

I leaned to the side and grabbed my crutches, standing from the chair with much difficulty. I instantly felt my legs prickle with numbness. Without moving them for so long, they've gone stiff. I limped to the staircase, going up each stair individually as to not trip and fall backwards. I took my time getting up the staircase and once I reached the top, I sighed with relief.

"Now I officially hate stairs.." I grumbled, pausing in my tracks to rub a sleepy eye.

Heading straight for Cooper's room, I hobbled through the open door to see Cooper already ducked under the covers of his bed. He shifted and rolled over onto his other side. I stepped inside and quietly shut the door behind me. The large bedroom was completely dark and my eyes strained to see where I was heading. There was only a single sliver of blue light sinking through the curtains and pane of the window next to Cooper's cluttered desk. There was also a separate light source sitting next to Cooper's nightstand. It was a turquoise lava lamp, bubbles of glowing liquid floating upwards and sinking down like a bobber in the waves of unsteady water.

I finally made a beeline to the bed, going the quickest I could without falling from my crutches. I sunk into the mattress, feeling the bouncy surface below me. I sat my crutches on the ground next to me and crawled into the bed along with Cooper. I opened the covers and slid into the opening, a warmth instantly eating me from the inside. I turned to face Cooper, our bodies now pointed towards one another. I grinned and saw that he was already fast asleep, eyes closed peacefully and mouth ajar. I pushed my head forward and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. His curly citrus hair was still as messy as always.

"Goodnight, Cooper." I whispered, nuzzling my head into the pillow we shared.


"Stormieee..~" a faint voice sang. Groaning, I reached behind myself and swatted the air with my hand. I woke up slightly moving in a rhythm on the bed. Back, forth... Back, forth... I was somehow laying on my stomach with an odd weight above my bottom. I turned my waist around, since my pelvis and all below couldn't move due to the heavy mass over it. I saw Cooper sitting in a straddle over my backside. He was rocking his hips forward and back with a crazed blush over his face. "Stormie, why do you tease me so much? You're laying in such a sexy position.." he said, tilting his head and licking his lips.

The very second I blinked, the scene around me changed. I was now in a fancy hotel bedroom... The walls were a romantic burgundy, lined with a pearly white pillar that held a muzzle, ball gag, multi-tailed whip and a variety of toys used for sexual pleasure. There was a pack of purple condoms sitting on the round nightstand next to us, including a clear bottle of lube and a blindfold and pair of slick brown leather cuffs. I looked behind myself to see Cooper, but this time he was stripped bare with two rough hands on the small of my back. My shoulders, hands and arms were now suddenly draped in red bite marks, crescent shaped nail marks and small violet hickeys. I yelped once Cooper leaned over my back and pushed his hips forward.

Craning my head to see what was going on, I came to find that his penis was buried inside of me..! I could only see the hilt and small patch of ginger pubic hair when he retracted. I whimpered and even shuddered as my whole body flushed with fright and denial... no.. I-I'm not ready for something like this! I wiggled and tried to kick him away from my body, yelling and crying out when his grip tightened on my hips. "What's wrong?" he asked sadistically, a sick grin spreading across his face.

"Are you scared?"

I snapped my eyes open and shot my waist upwards, letting out a subconscious scream as I pulled myself from the dream. Part of me knew that this was reality; that is was only in my sleep that I visioned him doing that to me. But, from being so drowsy and oblivious of my surroundings, I felt like I'd just been sexually abused in real life.. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and whipped my head to the side, to where the hand emerged from presumably. It was Cooper, sitting up in bed with a worried yet groggy expression. His saucer-wide eyes were analyzing my panicked state, trying to decipher what was wrong with me.

He spluttered with a shocked and incredulous look that befell me. "Stormie, what-- what the hell was that?"


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