Chapter Fifteen

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After school wrapped up with the joyful whoops of other students, I strolled outside of the building and made my way over to Cooper's stationary black car. He's been driving me to school and back, which is really nice of him to do for me. I leaned against the vehicle and set my crutches aside as I sat down on pebbles. I know he comes out only a minute after I do, so it shouldn't be long until he arrives. Speak of the devil, I just heard the car unlock with a short beep and Cooper's voice yelling, "I'm here!"

He made his way over to me and helped me stand up, placing the crutches under my arms. "Do you have an answer now~?" he asked, voice nearly dripping with seduction as he beckoned for me to draw closer. Yes, I have a final verdict. Through all the things he's given me today, including the plushie, CD, a light blue flower on my desk (saying "From; Cooper"), and bringing me the school work that I need to keep my grades up.

"Yeah... I-I will. I'll date you."

He perked up at that and let out a shallow gasp. With a visage of pure euphoria, he shot forward and knocked me from my crutches. I let out a squeak as he picked me up and squeezed me tightly. The warmth that instantly washed over me was almost suffocating. I heard the crutches fall to the ground with a clack as Cooper mumbled and rehearsed the same thing, which was "thank you."

"Oh my God, Stormie you don't know how happy I am..." he muttered with a thick voice, turning his head and burying his mouth and nose into the crook of my neck. I flinched from his action and wiggled gently, trying to shake off his needy hands. "Do you want to go to my house today?" he pulled from our hug and beamed.

"Oh, yeah that's fine."


When Cooper slowly drove into his uplifted driveway, he shifted the car into park and pulled the silver, jangling set of keys from the ignition. Climbing out of the car with ease, he quickly made his way around the front of the vehicle to reach me. I opened the door and unbuckled my seat belt, handing Cooper my crutches as he helped me stable myself. I couldn't even put pressure on my ankle, since the muscle is still in the process of healing.

I felt Cooper's hands wrap around my arms, gently pulling me from the car's interior. He settled my body down on my crutches, placing them beneath my shoulders. "Thank you.. Jeez you must feel like my maid or something.. I'm so sorry." I told him with a sympathetic gaze. He waved a hand in the air as if he didn't mind.

"That's all right. I like being able to help you." he raised a hand to caress my neck, fingertips running along the side of my throat and travelling up to my jawline. As soon as his knuckles brushed against my chin, jaw and cheek, I felt my whole face heat up like a wildfire feeding off of grass plant. He took a step forward and bat his eyes as if he were inveigling me into kissing him. Now that we're together, I don't really feel discomfort anymore, which is a little strange.

He tilted near me as his breath ghosted over my nose and mouth. I bit my bottom lip, nervous that we're so close. "Kiss me," he ordered, voice low and hoarse. "and as a reward, I'll never let you go." I let out a shaky breath and with great effort, I connected our lips. Moving in sync with one another, we kissed and... and God it felt good.. I felt a hand trail up the side of my waist, palm flat and warm against my thin clothing. I let out a soft sigh of content as Cooper's body brushed against me. I couldn't help but to latch onto him, my hands weakly grabbing at his broad shoulders.

"Dear, I wondered where you boys were! Come on in before it gets dark outside. Percy offered to make dinner tonight, oh goodie!"

Cooper retreated just from the sound of his mother's voice, leaving me to be a dazed, awestruck mess. I was too into the kiss and forgot about my outdoor surroundings... Though, I wish it could've lasted just a bit longer. His hand moved from my waist to my hand that rested on his shoulder. "We can continue this in the house if you want." he winked as he lead me towards the house's front porch and door. From his statement, I could only fume with heat as my mind began to race wildly.

As we entered the house, every light was on, since the day'd been growing dark quickly. It looked really fancy when the lights were on, since the candles and small chandeliers produced a golden aura around everything. Cooper eventually walked past the staircase and into the living room, allowing me to look at the balcony ahead. I looked around in amazement, stopping in place to gawk upon the golden light in the living room. The balcony was lit by wall lamps, the light coming out as dull and weak. "Cooper, it's like your house transformed from a normal house to a manor! How does light do that all on it's own?" I gaped, utterly winded with surprise.

He simply shrugged with a high-prided smirk. He squeezed my hand tightly in his own as he continued to drag me through the house. Next to the living room sat the kitchen and dining room. The dining room was nice too, holding a long table that could seat six people, protected under a white chandelier with small crystals hanging from the edges. The scent of warm homemade pizza wafted into my nose, causing me to grin like an idiot. I liked pizza and I doubt this is going to disappoint me.

"Stay for dinner, darlin'. You can also stay the night since it's the weekend." a womanly voice came from behind me. I abruptly turned, causing Cooper to whip around as well. He... He won't let go of my hand! I flexed the fingers that he held, causing him to reciprocate my gesture.

"Thank you, miss." I bowed my head respectfully, still awkwardly hand-in-hand with Cooper. I squeezed his hand for some sort of reaction, but to my surprise, his fingers responded by clenching my hand in reassurance.

"Oh, don't mention it sweetie! Just make sure you check up with your parents first. We don't want them to worry for you when you're gone, now do we?"

   My parents? ... Oh, dad.


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