Chapter Six

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Throughout the whole beginning of their bike ride, Cooper kept repeatedly calling out for Stormie. Sometimes shrieking his name in the mid-point of a whine, sometimes he even sounded like he were mutating into some demon. The calling grew to the point where Stormie pulled his bike to the sidewalk and hopped off. As Cooper finally caught up to him and slowly approached, he slid on the cement to a complete stop and shot the blond a puzzled look.

"Why'd you stop?" he muttered shyly, the silence between them making his panting seem more noticeable. Catching his breath, Cooper quickly wiped his forehead of the sweat layer over his skin. Then, his eyes darted away. At this, Stormie began to laugh, eyes falling closed with glee half-way through. At the chortle and in the flick of his ocean eyes, Cooper was able to see the smile decorating Stormie's pale face just before it faded to a frown.

"Because you keep shouting for me. You're attracting attention around the whole neighborhood, you know." he explained with a soft smile. He felt butterflies swim in his belly, to which he had to look away from Cooper's baffled eyes. 'What the Hell.. So insecure now? What caused it?' Stormie silently thought.

"Mm, sorry 'bout that. Oh," The taller male suddenly craned his head to look down. A faint buzzing and a dampened tune diffused from his shorts' pocket. Dragging a hand up his forehead, he rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was vibrating in a quick rhythm, buzzing every second or so.

He raised the device to his ear and shoved a hand through his hair. "Hello?" he greeted, his voice monotone with obvious boredom. After a few seconds of odd silence, Cooper peeked over to Stormie through the corner of his eye. He had his head lowered, rubbing his closed eyelids with the balls of his fingertips. 'He seems a little stressed.' Cooper pondered, his attention focusing fully on Stormie instead of the caller.

"Hell yeah! You know I'm always up for some good drinks. What time tonight?" Cooper suddenly exclaimed, a giant beam crossing over his face. As soon as he mentioned drinks, Stormie felt a wave of worry wash over him. No.. He couldn't.

Stormie's P.O.V.

Well, turns out he could. Apparently, Cooper was able to drag me to some party of people I didn't even know. Everybody was hanging out in the backyard, some even swimming in the bright pool filled with foam noodles, multi-color beach balls and floating platforms. Others stood by the outskirts of the ground-dug pool, sitting on white basket lounge chairs and leaning against the side of the biege house.

Music played from two large blocky speakers, only this time it wasn't Bluetooth. Cooper was hanging out under a lantern-shaped porch light, sitting at a white bench with a beer bottle in his loose hand. His freckled face was flushed and he laughed almost every five seconds, almost as if he were talking to somebody. I looked to the side... He was talking to another person. All I could see from here was that they had extremely blonde hair and wore a jean jacket and a pair of dark sunglasses perched above their head. I simply watched the two from a distance, grimacing at the stench of bitter beer.

I couldn't even hear what either of them were saying, since their voices were muffled by the music and chatter of others. Everybody here was so much older than me... Well, other than Cooper. Why did he hang out with so many old people anyways? I don't-- Oh.

He's looking at me.

Feeling my stomach flip, I quickly threw my gaze to the side and subconsciously covered the side of my neck. Through the quick-paced music and laughing of people, I could hear his slurred voice call out for me. "Stormie, over here!" Oh no.. What if he's drunk? W-What if his friend decided to do the same thing as that Kaleb guy..? God, I don't want to go through that again.. Though, just remembering Cooper's furious reaction to his hands on me, I felt a little safer than how I did before.

So, feeling more confident this time, I strolled over to the two people. It certainly wasn't a peaceful trip. On my way there, I had to avoid the dancing bodies of drunkards and flailing arms in the air. One person even mistakenly backed up into my side, to which they only turned around and sneered as if I were a parasite. Judging by the fuzzy hair, hazy eyes, sluggish movements and even the heated face, I could tell they've thrown back a few beers. I failed to mention the clothing and the breath that reeked of the liquid poison.

Now that I was closer to Cooper, I felt protected by some sort of invisible barrier. I felt safe, even if he's trashed. He looked up to me through light ginger eyelashes, a smile raising the corners of his lips ever so slightly. Yeah, he's under the influence for sure. I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel to walk away when I felt a hand grasp at the hem of my shirt. I swiveled back his way and looked on with wide unexpecting eyes. He'd stood up and was nearly two inches away from my face. The girl next to him immediately took action, pulling him back to his seat on the bench.

"Sorry. Does he act this way all the time? Geez, he's a handful.." the woman who held him to the chair shot me a smile and her gorgeous green eyes seemed to analyze me. He pushed a stand of bright blonde hair behind her ear and gasped softly. "Ah, you must be the Stormie kid he talks about, right?" she gaped.

"Oh.. H-He talks about me..?" I uttered, genuinely taken aback that he would even mention me when I'm not present.. I don't know if I should be glad or not because of this.. I mean, it could go both well or extremely horrible, depending on my reaction. What if he talks about me negatively? Then what? Was he just pretending to be my friend when really he just hates having me near him? S-Surely not...

"Oh my God, twenty-four-seven, man!" she exclaimed, to which the drunken Cooper just argued in nearly indecipherable English. She giggled and continued speaking much to Cooper's drunken dismay. "He's all like, 'oh my gosh he looked so good today' and 'I miss him already and I just left his house two minutes ago.' It gets sooo annoying sometimes." she continued to explain, even giving me some examples of what things he's said. When she told me, I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest. Like a small puppy had just been pressed against me.

"Oh, I'm Hope by the way. It's nice to meet you Stormie." she offered a hand to me, her open palm wrapped in bandages and lathered in cheap band-aids. Without questioning her oddly placed injuries, I quickly shook her hand and watched through my peripheral vision as Cooper took a swig of his nearly empty bottle. Some of the yellow liquid dribbled down his chin and onto his neck, somehow threatening to get onto his shirt. My instincts instantly kicked in as I shot forward. I had no idea what I was doing but I must've done the right thing.

My hand pressed against Cooper's chest, catching and stopping the beer from getting on his clothing. He looked down to my hand, eyes foggy and unfocused as all hell. He then looked up to me, who's face was only an inch away from his nose. This isn't good.. No, this isn't good at all. Not in the slightest. Nope. I need to back away now. Back away...

Before I knew it, Cooper had already gotten my face in his hands. The sound of a glass bottle dropping to the floor rung in my ears before everything went by like a flash of light. I felt hair tickling my forehead and hot breath fanning over between my nose and chin.

My eyes went wide before warm lips pressed against mine.


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