Chapter Twenty

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"W-What was what?" I stammered as I frantically searched the sunlit bedroom. By the looks of it, the time seemed to be about nine in the morning. That probably explains why the dream was so short... I woke myself up before my normal waking time.

"You were sleep-talking, you know!" he yowled. "You kept sayin' stuff like "Cooper stop" and you kept pushing against whatever touched you; even the blankets and pillow. Then you suddenly sat up and screamed out." The hand that rested on my shoulder raised from my pale skin and lifted to my chin. He turned my head towards him, now dipping his head downwards to meet my eyes. His beautiful ocean eyes were shimmering in the morning light with apprehension. I couldn't help but gaze back, feeling a little self-conscious with the way he stared with unwavering attention. "Are you sure you're okay?" he sighed, abruptly moving forward and hugging my shirtless body. With his arms around me, I could finally feel warm without clothing... Wait.

"Why am I shirtless? Where's my top?" I inquired, refusing my incline to pull back and look for my missing top. I soon found the cloth, strewn across the headboard of his bed. I began to reach for it when Cooper shot an arm out to grab my wrist. I slowly pulled my hand back, giving Cooper a quizzical look.

"It's drenched in sweat." he warned, releasing my arm and placing his hand where it initially was. "I took it off of you in the middle of the night because you were sweating too much. You had a fever too so I wiped you off with a cold wash cloth. You were heaving like... like an asthmatic." he explained with a crease in his perturbed eyebrows. His eyes cast down to the bed, watching something intently that I could not see. "You scared me half to death, Stormie." he muttered under his breath, so I couldn't hear the wobble in his voice.

"I thought..." His voice altered to a barely audible whisper as he tilted his head down. I can't see his eyes but I'm sure that he's crushed. I reluctantly reached forward but came to a pause when my hand hovered just below his chin. Both my index and middle finger gently pressed against his chin and lifted upwards. What I came to see was staggering.

His iris was flickering all over my face as it lathered over with a shiny coat of tears. The whites of his eyes were tinted a soft ruby and his pupils were dilated. Above hung two knitted eyebrows with wrinkles sitting between them. His nose was flushed and warm, like his reddened cheeks and sweat-laced forehead. Pink lips were held tightly by snowy teeth, refusing to quiver under my sight. His jaw was locked, only stuttering slightly. Curly strawberry locks sprung astray, making his appearance look even more disheveled.

"Cooper.." A patch of raspy voice escaped my cracked lips, hoping to pull his attention from my stare. "I'm sorry I troubled you." I finalized. Leaning forward, I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed comfortingly. His body was warm against mine and I felt myself melting into his touch. A pair of arms engulfed me and brought me closer as a nose and mouth pressed against my shoulder. I was touched by the way he worried about my health.. Not even my health, to be more specific, he was brooding over me.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry.. It's j-just.. I-I love you..."

What? He can't! We just started dating... What, yesterday?

Not knowing how to respond, I just kissed the back of his earlobe. "I know you don't feel the same way... I can just tell.. I just really wanted to get it out there so you know." he sniveled.

I mean I may not love him just yet, but I like him to an extent where we can kiss and I allow him to touch me.. I can't exactly say I love him back because I would be lying if I did. I like him, but not love. I should say that to him so he understands.

"I... Cooper, before you get angry with me, I want you to know that if I hurt your feelings, then I'm really, really sorry but... I-I don't love you back -- but! But, I really like you. If I didn't like you this way, I wouldn't even kiss or touch you. I wouldn't have accepted you when you asked me out, but I did. I may not love you now, but I can see myself loving you in the future." I explained, my tongue running dry as the last syllable peeled from my mouth. Then, everything fell silent, which scared me immensely. I lifted the hair from his face and watched with fear as his eyes bored into mine.

     His arms raised to the sides of my shoulders and in a flash, I was slammed up against the wall of his house. There was a loud thud which followed a sharp pain to flow through my whole back. Both of his hands were on my shoulders as they were but only the fingers were clenched, the nails burying into my skin. I let out a soft whimper, unable to control the terror I felt when in front of an angered Cooper. without thinking, my self-defense kicked in and I pushed against Cooper's chest in an attempt to break free of his grip. Meanwhile, his fingernails were carving crimson crescents into my skin, which stung like all hell..

      "Cooper... C-Cooper what are you doing? W-What... Please stop, I-I'm sorry.." I gasped, trying to claw away the nails that were digging farther into my flesh by the second. Then, my eyes focused on his. They were in a daze, almost as if he didn't know what he was doing. My fingers pulled from the hands clasping my shoulders and reached over to his face. I cupped his tear-stained cheeks in my hands and swiped my thumbs over the drying trails of tears. "Cooper." I called, which seemed to get his attention. "it's me, Stormie.." I suddenly winced at the nails pulling out of my muscle. I felt two equally warm trails of liquid rolling down my arms but didn't mind it.

       "If there's something on your mind, tell me. You're acting really weird today.." I exhaled. He looked down to my slumped body and oceanic blue eyes widened in realization of what he'd done to me. He covered his eyes and rubbed, grimacing at the thin blood trails running down my arms. I couldn't care less about the throbbing pain in both of my arms... I could only focus on the disgruntled Cooper that lay in front of me, on the verge of tears.

       "I've never been loved."


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