Chapter Fourteen

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        From the lack of an elevator in my futile school, I was given two choices by the head administrator at the place, which was rather generous. I could either get to my upstairs class and be late without a consequence, or just skip my upstairs classes and hang out in the office whilst I catch up on papers we do in that corresponding class. I chose to sit in the office and do work on my own, since I really hate being late for any of my classes. Skipping them would just be a whole-lot better.

       Today was Friday, thank the heavens for this too. Getting to and from school is such a pain... I can't ride my bike anymore, since I have to do as little exercise as possible for the time being. I limped up the ramp that was built next to the stone stairs, grunting every time I almost lost my balance.

   When I was just about to enter the school, I heard a cough from behind me. I didn't bother to turn, which apparently annoyed the person behind my view. There was a harsh pull to the collar of my shirt, causing me to lurch backwards and trip on my crutches. Stabilizing slowly, I finally whipped my head around to see a giddy Cooper.

      "Took you long enough to notice me!" he walloped. He seems to be in a buoyant mood... I wonder why.

      "What's got you so hyper?" I asked, looking his bouncing body up and down. His hands were behind his back and his feet shifted almost playfully. Yeah... There's definitely something he's excited for.

      "And what's got you so nosy, huh?" he jested with a mischievous gaze. "Well, if you're so curious, here's why!" his hands shot forward from behind his back and something soft and small was shoved into my face. I coughed and took a step back, my sight filled with a piece of fluffy purple cotton. He recoiled his hands and danced with enthusiasm, hugging the toy close to his chest.

   Ah, it's a cotton plushie! It resembles a small unicorn, the horn between it's eyes glistening and shimmering in the morning sunlight. When I took a closer look at it, I realized there was writing on the back of the plushie. The text was in a dark purple that complimented the lilac color the whole thing was painted in.

       In curly violet writing, the dim words ask, "Date me?" over the back of the unicorn. He carefully unraveled the toy from his grip and placed it into my hands. It was light and soft to the touch, almost like how a chinchilla would feel. My eyes flicked down to the toy before tracing back up to Cooper.

  He had an expectant grin on his face as he jumped and waited for an answer. When I thought back to the kiss we shared in my bedroom yesterday, I felt a heat wash through my entire body. I mean... If I didn't like it, I would've pulled away and told him to leave the house. But, instead, I allowed him to control me.

       But, do I like him that way? I'm not sure. I definitely don't see him as a friend anymore, considering the kisses we've shared in the past. I like him a lot, and I trust him with my life... I even feel emotions when I'm around him, unlike how I feel around everybody else. I'm usually in a piss-off mood until Cooper swings around... So, yeah. I really do like him.. But as a boyfriend? I-

      "You can answer me after school if you don't have a final answer, you know! There's a lot more for you to see than that, Stormie." he informed me, snapping me from my train of excessive thoughts. I nodded reluctantly, my eyes trained to the way his smile ceased to falter. What could he possibly have in plan now?


       My thoughts of getting something small were scrapped as soon as I opened my locker this morning. He didn't just give me something minor, no. There, on the usually empty spot of my locker, sat a CD case with a bright blue sticky note attached to it. When I went to investigate the gift, the note read in neat cursive handwriting, "Hi! This is Hope. Cooper asked me yesterday for help about asking you out. Thank me later! xoxo"

        When I inspected the CD case, it was a homemade cover of two poorly drawn people sitting next to each other, holding hands as they watch the sun set. I flipped the case to see listed songs in Cooper's messy handwriting, "1. Young Blood 2. Pumped Up Kicks 3. Humility 4. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High 5. Organ Donor 6. Family" and etc. I was touched that he'd even think of making me a CD of all the songs I've played on my radio. But, the blooming warmth in my chest was quickly washed away by the school's tardy bell ringing.

       I gathered my books and shoved the disc in my backpack and shut the door to my locker. Going through school without the thought of Cooper swimming in my head made me feel like a zombie, but today he will never escape my wandering mind with the things he's done so far. I'm so glad my first period is upstairs.

   All I have to do is limp to the main office and wait for my papers to come to me. As I opened the doors to the office, I was greeted by the Safety and Security members and the secretary who makes all the announcements. I made a left turn into an empty conference room, sitting down with difficulty as the wooden chair made an inaudible creak under my weight.

     A minute later, I heard a female voice. "Mr. Hudson, here's your work for today. Again, I'm so sorry about your ankle. I hope it gets better soon." the voice called from the doorway. I turned, hoping to see a teacher from the feminine voice. But to my surprise it was actually Hope, leaning against the door with an all-knowing look in her eyes. "What even happened to it?" she asked, pushing off of the door frame to walk over to me.

      "Car accident." I sighed, trying not to relive the awful memory.

      "Ah.. Sorry to hear about that. Oh! Guess who will be giving you paperwork from now until your ankle heals? Me, but also a special someone of yours~"

      A figure stepped from behind the door frame, smiling at me with bright ocean blue eyes and curly bronze hair. Of course, none other than the Cooper I know and love.


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